Saturday 26 December 2020


 Hope you all had a merry Christmas! Since it's Saturday you get a new post today, but there'll be a post on the 31st December that if you're a follower will definitely be worth having a look at! In any case, this is the last Saturday in which you will see new content from me, so here's one with a lot of OCs and hopefully will put a smile on your face.

A Goose has been encountered in the park and it seems to have marked the land as their territory, with a mere honk.

In this almost black and white style piece features perhaps the largest sum of characters to appear in my illustrations at any one time! From top left to bottom right these characters are:

Mercury, Anne Natalie, Redd Radcliff, Riley Naab, Albiona Whitaker, Ida Noe, Jirou Katou, Ichirou Katou, Gary Thomas, Lottie Line, Lacy Rembrandt, Droey Drawson, John Esposito, Penny Wisdom and Agrius Moth.

You won't recognize a couple of these characters unless you follow me on Instagram whereas Mercury might be someone who's never been seen until now!

This crazy illustration was actually based on a piece of work I did in college. I was given three random words for a prompt which were 'honking against abounds', this led to me wanting to draw a goose scaring off an army. The army quickly became just a group of everyday people who were scared off in the most comical ways that I could possibly depict. A year later I felt like recreating the artwork with my OCs which meant reducing the amount of people in order for their physical features to be interpreted more accurately. Had I remained completely faithful to the original illustration, we would have several more character panicking in view!

That's all for today, don't forget to come back on the 31st which will provide details about the direction Droey's Draws is headed in and ways you can access future Droey's Draws media! Enjoy the rest of your holiday!

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