Friday 25 December 2020

25 More Elle Expressions - Day 25

 Elle is Laughing

Avery woke up to find a present on their desk. They realized how tired they must have been last night, normally if Elle snuck into their room they could tell. When you live with Santa, you tend to know how they do their work. There's no one else who could've done it, Eldon's too clumsy.

Avery got out of bed and approached the present. It was small and wrapped up nicely. Avery was tempted to open the present but decided to confirm where it came from first. Still in their pyjamas, Avery took the present downstairs where Eldon was cooking breakfast.

"Morning, Avery! Happy eighteenth birthday!" Eldon called over the sound of sizzling.

"Thanks, Dad. You alright?"

"Fine thanks, just a couple minutes away from finishing breakfast. Hope you're hungry." Avery looked at the fried breakfast Eldon was cooking.

"Looks good! Where's Mum?" Eldon was about to reply when there was a flushing sound, followed by Elle's arrival.

"There's my birthday elfling! Happy birthday Avery!" Elle hugged Avery and kissed them on the cheek.

"Thank you!" chimed Avery as they hugged back.

The family sat down to breakfast, but no one seemed to mention the present. It just sat there at the end of the table looking pretty. At least until Elle finished her breakfast.

"You not opened your present yet?"

"Hmm? No, not yet."

"Well go on, no need to wait on anything." Eldon urged. Avery wiped their mouth and then unwrapped the present. Inside were two items. The first one was a badge to commemorate their birthday while the second item was wrapped individually.

"Of course," Avery grinned as they looked at the badge. "I'll put that on when I get dressed." they promised. Then Avery looked at the second item, it was much smaller. Avery opened the tiny present and inside was a key. Avery was confused, they already had a house key.

"Take a look outside." said Elle, trying to hide the biggest grin. Avery approached the window and found a second car on the drive! Judging by the key for a present, the car was probably theirs.

"Jiminy Christmas, my own car?!" Avery's jaw dropped while Elle and Eldon beamed. Avery rushed over to Elle and Eldon, giving them both a tight squeeze of a hug. "Thank you so much!"

"Now don't go making any plans for tonight, coz there's something big going on tonight!"

"Am I allowed to know?" Avery asked, letting go of their parents.

"Do we tell?" Eldon asked.

"Can do," Elle replied.

"So we've hired a venue and you are invited, requested even, to attend a birthday celebration in your name!" Avery was excited about the party, and glad that their parents at least let them take their new car for a spin that morning.

That evening, the Ellingham family arrived at Claus Hall where Avery was greeted by their family, their friends, even some of Elle's staff were there. Festive music played, on top of some of Avery's favourite music like the work of Michow Mooble. The party went down a treat!

"Not as wild as our old Christmas Crackers, eh?" said Eldon as he sat down with Elle to watch the party, having just refilled his glass.

"Oh heavens no, you won't get me half naked singing again!" Elle chuckled.

"No I don't think we're quite at that age anymore."

"Nothing to do with our age, we're just- matured." reflected Elle. "Still young at heart though, at least I think so. What says you?"

"Oh yeah, definitely. See myself in the mirror some mornings and think, no way is that Eldon Ellingham. You're, adult, not like legally but you look like one, you act like one. I think it really hit home after we had Avery."

"It really did, imagine growing up to be an elf, then you become the Santa! Not so long after you're giving birth, it's crazy!"

"I don't know how you do it, you must be the world's busiest person." Eldon paused for a moment, a thought occurred to him. "Do you think that we'd have gotten by if we had another child?"

"Absoloutley not. Avery, yeah but if we had had twins or triplets, we'd be doomed! I'm glad we had just Avery, I mean that's our baby. What more could you ask for?" Eldon nodded in agreement. "I wonder what Santa would make of all this."

"I think he'd be damn proud. It's been a difficult era in history, but you've prevailed. As Santa, as a mother and as yourself. I remember the bubbly Elle who had it all together from day one, but had never been met with a challenge, so eager but unaware of what a demanding role she'd play. And here you are having accomplished more than almost anyone could. God rest his soul but if old Saint Nick isn't proud of you, then he can stuff it!" Elle gasped in amusement and smacked her cheeky husband on the arm.

"Shush you!" then Elle wiped a tear from her eye, their reflective conversation had gotten quite emotional.

Elle stood up, followed by Eldon. They decided to go and see Avery, it was after all their special day. The Ellingham family celebrated merrily together into the night around all their loved ones, just as anyone with Christmas spirit should.


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