Friday 4 December 2020

25 More Elle Expressions - Day 4

 Elle is Awkward

One of the things Elle loves most about being Santa is the uniform. While she no longer wears the same one as given to her by the former Santa, she cherishes her current uniform just the same. It's the one part of her that has always followed Nicholas' shadow even after his retirement. However with such a unique uniform comes it's designer, Bo.

Bo was eccentric and had been working with Elle from the day she became Santa. She was full of ideas but rarely did they ever get beyond the drawing board. It was a wonder that she was still working there! Elle was a traditionalist and didn't like seeing anything Christmassy changed from the way she remembered it being. Bo's job, like every fashion designer for Santa before, had to work to create an aesthetic that suited the current Santa; for Elle and her traditionalism this would be a challenge. All the same, she would never stop trying!

"Alright, Bo." said Elle calmly as they started a meeting one morning. "I'm actually quite looking forward to this."

"Me too!" Bo chirped. "I took on board everyone you told me last time- I know what kind of style you wanted and I think I've figured out the look for you!" Elle rubbed her hands eagerly.

"Go on then, let's see what you've got!" Bo swiftly unveiled her latest design, taking Elle by surprise.

"Tada!" Bo cried. What Elle was presented with was nothing like a Santa uniform she had ever seen before, it didn't even look Christmassy! "Allow me to explain all the features of this design that will grab everyone's attention!" Bo began. Elle tugged at her gloves and awkwardly looked around in hopes of finding an excuse to leave! But alas, nothing came to mind. "First of all, these shoulders. Big and round like snowballs!"

"Not quite coloured like them though?" Elle pointed out, seeing that the shoulder pads were black.

"Helps to keep the warmth in." Bo explained. "Since the world isn't quite grasping the female Santa yet, I've given you a skirt. Oh and we'll lose the hat too- I think it's too masculine." Deep down Elle felt quite offended about that remark, she adored the hat most of all!

"Look I'm not sure about this, Bo. It's not even in the right colours, Santa is red and white."

"He wasn't always. You wanted traditional so I've given you the green and yellow back, like the Santa's before Nicholas. Of course we'll have to alter or terminate our partnership with Cocacola-"

"I'm sorry Bo but I don't think we can do that." Elle insisted. For once she wasn't criticizing to defend her nostalgia, but knew that the Cocacola partnership was essential for publicity.

"Okay, maybe I can tweak this to fit the red and white scheme?" Bo responded, unsure of herself. "I'll give the design a little refinement and get back to you, that sound good?"

"Yes, cool." Elle assured weakly. And with that, the meeting was concluded and Bo sent back to work. Elle sat wearily at her desk and rubbed her brow. "If it isn't broken," Elle thought to herself. "Don't try to fix it!"

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