Saturday 5 December 2020

25 More Elle Expressions - Day 5

 Elle is Sleeping

The role of Santa is a busy one, as is the role of a mother. Imagine being both at the same time! Elle was getting weary from her work and parenting, even with her P.A. helping out. Eventually, Elle was recommended that she take a break. No Santa had taken so much as a week's holiday in centuries and Elle was being told she should take a fortnight off!

"It'll be good for you." Eldon reassured his wife. "And Nic will love it!"

"I suppose so." Elle considered. She had been in two minds about the holiday for about a week.

Little Nic was in school now and starting to get jealous of his friends who got to see their family a lot of the time. Having both of your parents work at Santa's workshop meant that Nic spent at least half his time with his nanny. He had certainly never seen them both together for more than a full twenty four hours once they went back to work.

Eventually, Elle gathered the family for an announcement.

"It's all been sorted, we're going on a two week holiday to a lovely hot place called Devon!"

Nic was beside himself with excitement and Eldon beamed.

After a day's packing, the Ellingham family were boarding on the plane to England. They got seats next to a window and anticipated the holiday ahead of them. Nic was swinging his legs as Eldon, wearing his holiday themed outfit, watched contently. It wasn't long before Elle has fallen asleep, all the working and holiday preparation had left her exhausted. Soon one of the Air hostesses came up to them.

"Good afternoon," she addressed to Eldon. "Is everything to your satisfaction?" Eldon took the opportunity to request a sherry.

"Do you want anything, Nic?"

The Air hostess knelt down to Nic's level, poor Nic couldn't be more terrified. She had a strangely forced grin and didn't come across as a genuinely caring person. Of course this was true and most people were used to this sort of behavior (even from elven air hostesses) but to Nic this was a new experience.

"Hello, Nic!" said the Air hostess in a forcefully friendly manner. "Would you like me to tell you what drinks and snacks we have?"

Nic stammered nervously until he could muster a "no, thank you!", trying his hardest not to look petrified. Luckily Nic only saw this particular Air hostess when she returned with Eldon's sherry, but Nic discovered that day he had a fear of Air hostesses! He told Elle about it that night when they were in the hotel but she only thought he was being shy. One thing was for sure that night; Nic was going to struggle sleeping just as much as Elle had slept with ease on the plane!

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