Thursday 31 December 2020

Final Post

 If you've come to simply look at today's artwork, you'll find it at the bottom of this post. I thought it would be appropriate to address what happens from here on first.

I would be in idiot if I denied that this year has been a crazy year, no one could have or would have expected this. Events of such nature have impacted our lives hugely and despite that Droey's Draws content continued to prevail on it's intended course, hoping to give you your brief break from the harsh reality this year has dealt us with.

2020 madness aside, this year has been focused on finding the best direction for Droey's Draws to take. As I am writing this, my current thoughts are to stick to what I've been preparing for throughout the year. This blog will no longer be updated and Instagram will be the new home for Droey's Draws content among other things.

I imagine you may have some questions for that some thing I may not have made clear yet, so allow me to provide you with that clarity- I hope!

What happens to the blog?

Nothing will happen to the blog. You can still come here to look back on old content or access external links. I simply won't be adding any new content here as it's becoming too costly for time to maintain an Instagram account, website and the blog.

What do I gain from following the Instagram account?

Instagram is the best place to go in order to follow new content and interact with me on occasions. So long as my Uni work permits it I'll be able to upload content multiple times a week and give shout outs to other artists in the community. You'll also have the benefit of interacting with my stories where I may ask for your input on upcoming artworks or just take the opportunity to communicate with my audience. My Instagram is DroeyDrawsonOfficial and would highly recommend following me there.

Is there still going to be a blog?

Yes but not with a regular schedule. A new blog will be set up on my Wix site which will allow me to control both the website and blog from one source. On said blog you may find content of a more behind the scenes nature rather than the presentation of completed artworks. It's still fairly undecided how the new blog will be used.

What about Gorf the Frog or the Mix'n'Match Shipping posts?

The artworks are most likely going to be found on Instagram. However for Gorf I am more than likely to also upload future artworks of the noir frogman to the new blog so that his story can continue in the great amount of detail that it has.

As for the Mix'n'Match Shipping posts, the tradition is intended to continue. Through the Wix site, you'll find the link to the poll (when said link is published) but the resulting artwork will be uploaded to Instagram. Additionally the series will be taking on a new name from 2021 onwards, so you'll be looking out for 'Crackship Creations'. This streamlined name is intended to help spread the reach of this series and allow returning fans to not have to speak such a mouthful when discussing the content.

Will the YouTube channel be uploading again any time soon?

It's no secret that I haven't uploaded anything in 2020. Originally I stopped uploading because of the COPPA rules which I felt would make my videos too stressful to work on. As it stands I am not in a position to return to YouTube for the reason that I need enough time and the right equipment to create content for YouTube. In order to return to making videos for YouTube I would need to get new equipment and new software which currently is just not worth it. At the end of the day, I'm still uploading content to social media and I do have Uni work to keep on top of. Hopefully one day new videos will surface but for the time being, don't expect anything on the channel.

What content are we to expect from the future?

Droey Drawson and his friends will still be making themselves present throughout my work. Be it through original Instagram content, Redbubble merchandise or on the Wix site, you'll still see their familiar faces as well as the occasional new faces as the cast continues to expand.

Those of you familiar with my Instagram will know that I am currently working on the next direction that Droey's Draws will take. As already stated, my OCs will not be going away, however they won't be getting 100% of the attention. I love my OCs but original characters only build up so much of an audience which means I need something else to grow my audience with.

This is where my Doctor Who fan art comes in; though this 'movement' is still in it's beta phase, the idea is to launch a series of Doctor Who comic strips as well as post Doctor Who fan art which should grow an audience that will hopefully come to love Droey and his friends as much as I do. Why Doctor Who? I'm a huge fan of the show and have a decent understanding of it's characters and lore; coupling that with the fact that Doctor Who has been a big name for generations means it would make the most sense for Doctor Who fans to be the target of my reach.

Lastly there is Elle and her friends at the North Pole. For three years (save for one during hiatus) we have had 25 short adventures with Santa and Elle as we get to know the lives of Santa's little helpers a bit better. This however is where their story ends. They've completed three seasons and I have no wish to carry them on for a fourth and risk overworking something great. Elle has had her time and I feel that her story is complete. Her posts will remain on this blog for audiences to look back on.

I think that's just about everything that needs clearing up. It's been a brilliant few years of creating artistic content and while the journey continues, the journey on this blog is ending. Feel free to look back on these creations and I hope you'll continue the journey with me through whichever social media you choose to follow me on.

You can still follow and or support me through the following sites:

Facebook : Droey Drawson

Instagram : DroeyDrawsonOfficial

YouTube (inactive) : Droey Drawson

Redbubble : Droey Drawson

Thank you for joining me and the many characters that have been created. It's time to conclude this blog's posts with a reminder of the three characters that started it all. Here's Tenvad, Droey and Anne Natalie watching the sun set on their home county of Jansterwick. See you next year, wherever we go!


(on here anyways!)

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