Thursday 17 December 2020

25 More Elle Expressions - Day 17

 Elle is Embarrassed

"It looks like you will be needing glasses," declared Elle's optician. Elle was not happy about this. "We have a new pair sent to you within the next five days. If you'd just like to come with me then we can choose a frame."

Elle's vision had not been too well lately. It wasn't until she nearly got into a car accident that Eldon insisted she went to an optician's. Elle did have a pair of reading glasses but never liked to wear them unless she was at home; Santa was perhaps the only other person to see her wearing them. Elle just didn't think that glasses suited her. She'd wear contacts if not for the fact that she felt uncomfortable putting them in and vice versa!

"Mum, you got a parcel!" called Avery one morning. They carried it over to her. "I think it's your specs."

"Thanks Ni- Avery!" Elle was still getting used to calling her child Avery instead of Nic. Indeed the parcel was Elle's new glasses. Elle tried them on in front of a mirror.

"They look nice!" Avery commented as they left to go to their room. Eldon came down and saw Elle with her glasses on.

"Ooh don't you look gorgeous, darling!" Eldon chirped as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"I look like a nutty librarian!" Elle remarked.

"You look like a very classy Santa." Eldon corrected. "Come on we best get going."

Elle and Eldon left for work, Eldon drove. All went well and the couple went their separate ways to get started with their work. It was at this point that Elle sneakily put her glasses back in the case; she'd be damned if she was going to let anyone see her wearing glasses!

Later Elle was doing her trip around the workshop. She came to a spot where Eldon and Elton were working. They were checking toy rabbits when Eldon noticed Elle wasn't wearing her glasses.

"Why isn't she wearing her glasses?" Eldon thought to himself, only to clumsily place his coffee mug on the conveyor belt! Off it went, following the toy rabbits, he noticed a moment later what he had done. "Oh sugar plums!" Elle recognized Eldon's voice so could tell she was headed in his direction. Elves looked so similar when they were in uniform! "Elton, if she asks, I'm on the bog!" Eldon whispered before following the coffee mug.

Elle approached who she thought was Eldon. He did look thinner but she put it down to the slightly sloppy vision. Now in the workplace you are expected to behave professionally, but with Elle being in charge as well as married to one of her employees, no one ever questioned anything like a brief hug or a kiss. They at least kept it casual and not in everyone's faces. Today would be a kiss on the cheek, but Elle got the wrong cheek!

"How's it going, hun?" Elle asked who she thought was Eldon. Elton blushed and his jaw dropped.

"Um, Santa?" Elton began. Elle instantly recognized the voice and her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Elton?" Elton nodded his head, which Elle could make out. "Oh God, I'm so sorry Elton! And stupid!" Elle cringed with embarrassment as she smacked her palm onto her face. A couple of other elves had noticed and were snickering, trying not to laugh in case their jobs were put in jeopardy!

"It's quite alright, Santa. If you're looking for Eldon he should be back in a minute." Elton replied.

"Thank you, Elton. And again, I am so, so sorry." Elle darted her eyes around to see how many people were looking, not that it made much difference because she could hardly tell anyway! "You see, I'm supposed to be um- well, wearing glasses." Elle murmured quietly.

"Oh yeah, Eldon said you'd got a pair this morning."

"He did, did he?" Elle asked. She hadn't told Eldon not to tell anyone, but would have preferred it if he didn't say so. "Well I'll just have to get even with him then, the cheeky elf!" Elle wasn't quite sure how she'd get her cheeky own-back on Eldon, but Elle had decided a couple of days later she was going to get some surgery for her eyes. She could afford it to be done well and it would mean not having to wear any glasses either!

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