Wednesday 16 December 2020

25 More Elle Expressions - Day 16

 Elle is Relieved

Elle was in a hurry to get home. She had been visited in her sleep by the Christmas ghosts and knew that something concerning little Nic was of vital importance. By the time Elle got home, everyone was asleep. Elle wasn't too pleased about this, but decided maybe a proper night's sleep, without being haunted, might do her some good.

The next morning, Elle was due to start work early as every Saturday but decided she would take the day off. Eldon was concerned.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm alright, I've just had some time to think. I think I've been a bit obsessed with my work so I'm going to try and take this weekend easy before getting myself a healthier routine sorted." Elle gave Eldon a hopeful smile. To her relief, Eldon was impressed with the idea.

"Good for you!" he declared and kissed her on the cheek. "You can't overwork yourself, love. And I wouldn't mind seeing more of you outside of work!" Eldon quipped.

"I know, I've seen the light." Elle laughed. Then she started to get serious. "Actually I think at some point we need to talk to Nic." Eldon's eyes widened with agreement. "Have you noticed any changes about him lately?"

"Yes, I've wanted to talk to you about that!" Eldon suddenly exploded, reciting the very things he said in his conversation with Elton the night before. Instead of brushing it over, Elle listened to her husband. "I've tried to talk to him but it doesn't seem to get anywhere."

"Maybe I should talk to him. It's not just you I need to spend more time with." The couple agreed and when Nic eventually woke and rose from his bed, he was most surprised to find Elle at home.

"Thought you had work today, mum."

"Um, no. I had a rough night." Elle explained, trying to come up with something more understandable than three ghosts haunting her with the promise of a dysfunctional family. Elle wanted to talk to Nic there and then but thought it best to let them wake up properly first in case he really had been asleep this whole time.

A couple of hours passed when Elle decided maybe it would be a good time to talk to Nic. To her surprise, Nic came down the stairs and approached the sofa! Eldon was at work, in order to keep everyone convinced that Elle was ill for the day.

"You alright?" Elle asked Nic, remembering not to call him by his name.

"Yeah, um, you got a minute?" Elle was caught off guard but went along with Nic's request.

"Yeah sure! What's up?" Nic sat down on the sofa next to Elle.

"You'd love me, no matter what I am, right?" Elle's was becoming more anxious, it sounded as though Nic could be revealing something horrible like being a criminal, having gotten someone into trouble or no longer liking brussel sprouts!

"Of course I would!" replied Elle. "Why'd you ask?"

"Well," Nic began nervously. "It's just I'm not that little Nic you've gotten used to- anymore." Elle didn't say anything, she just continued to listen. "To tell you the truth, I'm not even a boy anymore, or at least I don't want to be."

"So you'd like to be a girl?" Elle asked.

"Not really. I don't want any gender. I see myself as an Avery now, with they/them pronouns." Elle's child explained nervously. They were certain, someone so traditional as a Santa would disown their own child for something so modern.

"Oh bless you, Nic! I mean Avery!" Elle corrected herself immediately. "How long has this been on your mind?"

"I've been thinking about it properly for about half a year now." Avery explained. "You're not, ashamed, of me, are you?"

"Of course not!" Elle sighed with relief and reached out to give Avery a cuddle. "Me and your father have been very worried about you, you know! But I'm glad you got it off your chest, that must have been very brave of you." Elle comforted.

"Thanks Mum!" Avery replied, happy to have finally come out to their mum. "Do you think Dad will take it well?"

"I'm sure he will!" Elle replied. "But I won't say anything, that is if you'd like to tell him when he gets back?" Avery nodded their head in agreement.

Later that evening, Avery came out to Eldon and while he was initially surprised about it, it didn't take more than a few minutes for him to come around and be as supportive as Elle. The family bond had been strengthened, things at work were starting to get better afterwards and Elle owed her comeback to three quirky ghosts. As for Avery, they were quite happy as Avery and felt very lucky to have such supportive parents.

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