Sunday 20 December 2020

25 More Elle Expressions - Day 20

 Elle is Bracing For Impact

Santa is known for flying around the world on Christmas night to deliver presents to the children of the world. That night alone is a very demanding task and requires everything to be prepared and planned for down to the finest details.

Of course, Elle can't fly her sleigh across the world whenever she likes for practice, and she certainly can't just fluke her mission on the night! Ever since technology could make it possible, the North Pole has had facilities for simulating numerous experiences a Santa may go through, which includes the flight simulator. The simulator is a round room in which a model identical to the sleigh is placed in the center, though fixed in place while able to mimic the same motions that the real sleigh could. The wall holds a large curved screen that presents Elle with a point of view to make the simulation feel more authentic.

"Sleigh day today!" Elle declared as she checked her calendar one morning.

"Oh boy, that means sick bags at the ready!" Eldon laughed.

"The simulator's not that bad! It's meant to be a more dangerous experience so I'm prepared for the real deal."

"Yeah but how much worse?" Elle didn't answer the question, refusing to admit just how much worse the simulator was compared to the actual sleigh.

When Elle arrived the scientists were already prepared and adjusting the settings for the simulation. Elle was escorted into the room and given her obligatory safety presentation. Of course, Elle or any Santa can and should be trusted to be up to speed with safety regulations on the sleigh, but it was mandatory that they are informed all the same. Once the presentation was over, Elle braced herself and the simulation began.

The test went off to a good start, but then it got to the point where fog and wind were generated. In real life, this is a dangerous and tricky hurdle to leap over but Rudolph's nose comes in handy if he is pulling the sleigh. However the rest of the reindeer don't have glowing noses, so the simulator lacks that advantage. Elle felt she was controlling the sleigh well, when suddenly a small red light was flashing from the control panel outside the room.

The scientists addressed the problem, realizing that there was a fault in the system. While they tried to sort it out, another scientist went to shut off the simulation, but it wasn't responding. Elle found herself losing control of the sleigh! It started to go crazy and made Elle feel as though she was on a rollercoaster!

"What's going on out there?" Elle demanded, using a two way radio system that allowed Santas to communicate with the scientists.

"We're experiencing technical difficulties, ma'am!"

"No kidding!"

"We'll have you out of there as soon as possible!" promised the scientist.

According to the simulation, Elle was headed straight down towards some buildings. While of course she wasn't going to actually crash into some buildings, the impact would feel just as real. Elle braced herself, hoping to control the sleigh enough to avoid the buildings but not daring the look. She only just skimmed the roof of the house and managed to raise the sleigh to safety, just before the simulation was successfully shut down.

Two scientists entered the room and gently escorted a weak Elle out and to a spot where she could sit down safely. Then they left to continue repairing the simulator while another scientist stayed.

"Santa, I can't apologize enough. Are you alright?"

"I think so, but I'm not up to it. Not today."

"Understood, ma'am. Would you like us to inform you when the simulator is back in functional condition?"

"Yes, we'll need to get another run completed. December's only five months away after all."

After a soothing hot chocolate, Elle left and spent the rest of her day taking it easy in her office. The experience had not been too pleasant and she expected Eldon would get a laugh out of it when she got back. To her surprise, he was barely amused and greatly concerned. Eldon really didn't want Elle to go back in the simulator, but knew it was part of her job as Santa and that nothing could stop it going ahead.

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