Thursday 10 December 2020

25 More Elle Expressions - Day 10

 Elle is In Pain

Elle was in the police station! Earlier that day she had gotten herself into a fight and Eldon had to leave work early to make sure little Nic was looked after. Then Eldon went to the station to see Elle. After a chat with the police officers Eldon was able to sort out Elle's bail and she was let go.

"So what happened?" Eldon asked during the drive home.

"I was trying to get Nic's present." Elle explained. "But this 'something I'm too nice to say' tried grabbing it off me! Out of nowhere she starts having a go and next thing I knew we were both getting escorted out of the shop!"

"You got arrested over a toy?"

"Well when you put it like that-"

"You better hope that this doesn't reach the media. A high profile character such as yourself is just the kind of person they'll target!"

"Yeah, yeah, well I also happen to be a very influential sort of high profile. The entire globe relies on me annually so if things get rough I'll just call in a few favours."

"That won't stop tongues wagging."

Elle was still in pain when they got home. The police had been kind enough to bandage Elle's head so all Eldon had to do was take the peas out from the freezer and give them to Elle. She held the bag to her face and winced. By this point Eldon's sympathy was rather dry, which given the situation was fair enough.

It only took the next day for newspapers, websites and talk show hosts to be talking about Elle's shopping brawl and of course, some tried to make out that Elle was the villain. Elle found herself eing extra busy for the next couple of weeks defending herself against the media until about a month later everything died down. Ultimately nothing could ruin the reputation of Santa- well, almost nothing anyway!

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