Monday 21 December 2020

25 More Elle Expressions - Day 21

 Elle feels Pity

One of Santa's roles is to frequently supervise activity across the workshops to make sure everything is going well. It is also an opportunity for staff to directly address Santa with feedback about the management and optimize the functionality and wellbeing of the company. Elle makes sure to do this once a week at the least and claims it's one of her favourite parts of being Santa, getting to see all the merry elves working away towards the coming Christmas.

Elle was surprised to find one morning, that Hoho the hunchback elf was feeling down in the dumps. His head was sunk lower than any elf thought it could and his movements were uncharacteristically slow. Elle approaches Hoho kindly.

"Everything okay, Hoho?"

"Oh, morning, Santa." Hoho replied, trying to sound merry. He didn't sound very convincing. Elle watched him go back to his work, she decided she ought to have a chat with him.

"Hoho, may I speak with you in my office?" Hoho agreed, weakly nodding his head.

Elle sat at her desk with a mug of hot chocolate, another mug had been brought in for Hoho.

"As you know, it's part of my job to ensure the wellbeing of staff," Elle explained. "I've noticed a change in your behavior and thought I would take the opportunity to check up on you. Is there anything you feel that you need to talk about?"

Hoho hesitated for a moment, then he spoke up.

"I must admit," he began. "I suppose sometimes I feel, and not by any fault of your own, of course, that I feel like my work goes underappreciated." Elle was surprised to hear this but continued to listen. "My ideas are often rejected by the others. Then there's the amount of work I put into every Christmas, I know they say goodness is it's own reward but it would be nice to be shown appreciation around the workplace more clearly." Elle nodded her head pitifully, she had been writing a little note while she was listening.

"Well Hoho, I'm very sorry that you feel that way. Is there anyone's behavior making you feel this way or does it feel like it came out of the blue?"

"Out of the blue, except that point about my ideas."

"Well I'll see if I can sort that out and allow you to feel more included." Elle promised. "And to start with, I'd like to hear if you have any ideas of how I can improve things so that elves in your position may feel better."

Hoho thought for a moment, then an idea came to mind.

"You know those pictures people share over the internet? Those, what are they called, memes? What if we had something like that but in poster form? They could be motivational or reassuring posters!" Elle listened with great interest as she quickly jotted Hoho's ideas down. They chatted for several minutes and Elle could gradually see the old Hoho coming back.

"How are you feeling now, Hoho?" Elle asked.

"I'm feeling better now, thank you!" chirped Hoho. "I always knew you were the best Santa!" Elle blushed modestly.

"Oh I wouldn't say that, every Santa is quite unique!"

"Like yourself, I suppose." Hoho reflectively replied. "No Santa has ever been an elf before, I think that's why everyone loves you so much. You're not just Santa, you're an inspiration; the idea that anyone can be Santa!" Elle blushed with cheeks as rosy as the Santas before her!

"Oh really, Hoho! You're too kind!" Elle got up to escort Hoho out of her office. "As kind as a Santa, one might say!"

Hoho was flattered. It sounded like Elle was making an implication, but he didn't want to say anything lest he tempt fate or let it get to his head!

"Thank you, Santa!" Hoho humbly replied. "You have yourself a merry day now!"

"Same as yourself, Hoho. Take care!" Hoho left the office and Elle went back to her desk. She realized that the time would soon come where she'd have to ask Avery what they wanted to do with their career; they were, after all, the heir to the sleigh.

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