Tuesday 8 December 2020

25 More Elle Expressions - Day 8

 Elle is Hysterical

It was a special day at the workshops. Because of little Nic's birth in the reindeer stables, the elves hold a 'bring your child to work' day. The young elves are given the chance to experience the work for themselves, of course only handling the smaller and less significant tasks to ensure that there are no major setbacks. The young elves looked forward to this event as much as the staff looked forward to the annual Christmas crackers!

Elle has having dinner with her family one Sunday evening when little Nic broke the ice with a request.

"Do you think this year I could go to work with you, Mum?" Elle nearly choked on her drink!

"With me?" she repeated. "Sweetie, Santa is a really big job. One of the biggest jobs in the world!"

"I know, Mum. But I never get to go to work with you and it must be one of the most awesome jobs in the world!" Little Nic then got down from his chair to plead on his knees. "Even if it's just one day, I promise I'll never ask again, I'll be really, really super good and- and I'll clean my room twice!" Elle tried not to look at the begging Nic, knowing he would win her over with his plead. "Pleeaasssee?" Elle glanced at Eldon, who usually took little Nic to work. He smiled and shrugged his shoulders, it was up to Elle.

"Alright then, so long as you show me your best behavior." Elle permitted. Little Nic cheered and nearly knocked his own chair over in the excitement! By the time he was going to bed, he was calm enough to fall asleep with the help of three bedtime stories.

The big day came, little Nic was skipping happily alongside Elle as they made her way into the office. Elle had to spend the first couple of hours signing, communicating and organizing. Usually Elle's personal assistant took care of this but twice a day Elle checks things personally as every Santa should. Little Nic was getting very bored; this wasn't how he envisioned the job of Santa. What happened to the toy making, the chimney climbing, the sleigh riding? No one ever mentioned Santa being sat at a desk staring at a screen! It felt like forever but at last Elle got up from her desk.

"Come on, Nic. It's time to have a look around the workshops, we're starting with the toy factory!" Little Nic was so excited! True, the toy factory were where he worked all the time with Eldon, but even that was exciting compared to the office lifestyle!

When they got to the toy factory, Elle would walk around and supervise the others elves at their work, little Nic by her side the whole time. That is until Emily stopped them. Emily had a complaint about the fact the ladies toilets just happened to be positioned a couples of meters further away from the workspace as the men's toilets. Little Nic found it most boring! As Emily droned on, little Nic wandered off, not too far as he knew well enough not to get himself lost.

Elle had gotten quite bored of Emily's rant too. She went to look at little Nic for an excuse to end the conversation, but discovered he was gone!

"Where's Nic?" she asked. Emily had been so busy ranting that she didn't know! Luckily it only took less than a minute to find him. Elle shrieked and pointed up to a shelf where some toy buses has been shelved. Nic was sat between them taking in the scenery! "Someone get a ladder, quick!" Elle cried.

"Blimey, we've got an elf on the self!" Emily gasped.

It didn't take long for the ladder to arrive and for little Nic to be brought down to Earth. He seemed none the worse for his little adventure though Elle was not impressed with him! Little Nic has since promised he'll never wind up in dangerous places again and after a few months everyone was able to laugh about it, including Elle!

To be safe, and to make sure Emily wouldn't distract Elle with lengthy complaints again, it was arranged that Emily would be relocated to a different area of work. She still works in toy production, but in the section closest to the women's toilets!

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