Friday 11 December 2020

25 More Elle Expressions - Day 11

 Elle is Lonely

Elle was excited. Because little Nic was going to a sleepover, she and Eldon would have the place to themselves. They had arranged to have a romantic evening together. Eldon was going to take the day off, pretending to be ill, in order to prepare for the evening. That is, until, their plans were changed.

"It's Mum," Eldon sighed as he sat upright in bed. "She's bed ridden and dad's not gonna be back until three."

"Oh no! Is she gonna be alright?"

"Hopefully but I'll have to go over and make sure she's okay while dad's away. He's been doing removals and stayed in a hotel last night."

"Bless her, well give her my love." said Elle as she got up to get ready for work. Then a thought struck her.

"Hang on, if you're off to your mum's then what about tonight?"

"Unless you can get the day off it'll have to be a pretty casual night in."

"I'll give my P.A. a call."

The new plan had been set. Eldon was off to look after his mum, little Nic was off to school and Elle was home alone, getting everything ready for her romantic night with Eldon. Now northern elves are fast workers. They have to be if they want to keep up with the demands of Santa's workshop. Elle herself used to be one of the workshop elves and hadn't lost her ability to quickly get tasks done. She set the table with candles ready to light, had a dinner for two prepared, gave the house a tidy up, set up a playlist of her's and Eldon's favourite songs, gave the bedroom a romantic ambiance and selected her outfit for the evening. She was finished with two hours to spare.

Elle wasn't used to having free time, she can't recall a time where she had free time to herself since starting work at Santa's workshop! It was a very strange feeling for Elle. Not only was there a sense of boredom but because there was nobody to do nothing with, Elle began to feel lonely.

Elle sat out her front door for a while to take in the view and try thinking of something to do, but nothing was coming to mind. Every time she thought of something, it would require more than one elf!

"I wonder if Saint Nick ever had this problem." she thought out loud. As Elle reminisced about the old days back when she was just one of Santa's Little Helpers, she realized that becoming Santa had made her a lonelier character. Eldon was the only one of her colleagues she saw on a regular basis, Elle never saw anyone outside of work and she'd never even met the mums of little Nic's friends. Even for Santa, it's lonely at the top!

After over an hour of existential dread, Elle decided to get back in the house and get ready for her romantic evening with Eldon. While she was a lonelier elf, she taught herself that those she did have were very valuable. Elle appreciated Eldon and little Nic's unconditional love, the support of her staff and the gratitude of all of the children in the world that still believed in her. All the wholesome thoughts made Elle rather weepy; it was just as well she hadn't put on her makeup yet!

At last Eldon returned, but something was a miss. He didn't look quite the same as when he left. Eldon was dressed ready for the evening already and carrying a present!

"What have you been doing?" Elle asked curiously.

"I assume being Santa's made you forget what day it is?" Eldon asked with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Friday, but what's so-" and then it sank in. Elle remembered exactly what day it was...

"Happy anniversary!" laughed Eldon as he planted a kiss on his wife's cheek!

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