Sunday 6 December 2020

25 More Elle Expressions - Day 6

 Elle is Drooling

Elle had been advised to take a holiday for a couple of weeks, so she and the family took off to Devon. You would have thought someone such as Santa could take a holiday just about anywhere fabulous they wanted, probably even owning summer homes- well Santas don't normally take holidays if at all! Elle had chosen Devon because it was in England, where the weather wasn't normally warm. Northern elves aren't so used to the heat so a lot of holiday destinations you or I might like to visit would be too much for them.

Everyone woke up on the first morning and were going to try out the resort's restaurant for breakfast, however something wasn't right.

"Jiminy Christmas!" exclaimed Eldon. "It's scorching hot today!" Eldon had to take his top off, revealing his round belly.

"You're right! When did it get so warm?" Elle replied. She couldn't exactly remove any clothing, for fairly obvious reasons. Little Nic was mopping their brow as they started to sweat. It turned out that Devon was being blessed with one of the hottest days of the year!

It was too hot to have a cooked breakfast, so Eldon walked down to the shop and got everyone some sandwiches. Then they tried a trip to the beach, but the heat from the sand was hurting little Nic's feet.

After a while of pondering what to do with their day, little Nic suggested the swimming pool. Everyone liked this idea, and not just the Ellinghams! So many people were at the pool, and little did they know that the Santa herself was amongst them! They were only just able to get a spot on the pool to swim around in, but even that didn't cool them down.

Leaving the pool, sweating from the heat and dripping from the water, the elven family was about to give up on cooling down when the very thing came into sight. Ice cream! A holidaymaker came past holding a strawberry ice cream with a chocolate flake in it. All three of the Ellinghams were drooling at the sight of the ice cream; of course they knew they couldn't have that specific ice cream but it was ice cream they wanted all the same!

Elle made a rush for the shop and was only just in luck! She got some tubs of ice cream and brought them back to the chalet, they had barely melted too! A few minutes later, everyone was tucking in to bowls of ice cream and feeling much better.

"If ever someone has to make a quick delivery, who else do we call but you, Elle?" Eldon chuckled.

"So much for our holiday." Little Nic thought out loud. "You've been all over the place and got us presents really quickly!"

"You're right Nic! You know what they say don't you?" little Nic shook his head curiously. "No rest for the merry!" Then Elle bit into her ice cream and had a brain freeze!

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