Monday 7 December 2020

25 More Elle Expressions - Day 7

Elle is Shivering

Being Santa is busy work and the Ellingham family had been advised to take a holiday. Despite the extremely hot weather, the holiday went down a treat. After several days, the elves were finally getting used to the heat and properly enjoying themselves.

"It's brilliant here!" little Nic exclaimed as he built his umpteenth sandcastle. "Can we come again next year?"

"We'll see!" promised Elle, though she wasn't holding her breath.

"We could do with one of those indoor beach places back home. You know, like how in these parts they have indoor snowy playgrounds?" Eldon suggested as he laid in his rented deckchair.

"Well don't look at me if one needs building, work is busy enough!" Elle chuckled.

Soon the fortnight came to an end and it was time to go back to normal life. The Ellinghams packed up their bags and flew back from the unusually sunny England. Little Nic was particularly worried about this leg of the journey, having recently developed a fear of Air-hostesses! He tried to explain it to his parents, but they didn't quite understand why he was so afraid of them.

"Hello, North Pole!" sighed Elle as the plane arrived at the airport. As nice as it had been to go on holiday, it was good to be back home. No one was quite so happy to get off the plane as Nic and he almost rushed off without his parents!

"I'll go and book us a taxi." Eldon announced as he got out his mobile while they journeyed to the airport cafe for a quick snack. He shortly after had finished the call promising a taxi to arrive within the next half hour.

The Ellinghams had only slightly noticed, but since getting back they felt colder. They'd all gotten so used to the heat from Devon that they were now struggling to cope in their original climate! Once they got outside the airport to board their taxi, it sank in.

"Brr! Anyone else freezing their pointed ears off?" asked Elle.

"It's too cold!" complained little Nic. Eldon checked the temperature on his phone's weather app.

"It's just your average day going by the forecast. Why does it feel so icy?" he shivered.

The taxi journey was awkward. Everyone shivered all the way home, and the taxi driver stopped a couple of times to check everyone was alright. The shivering was so contagious that she began to shiver as well!

The shivering continued even once they made it back home. The taxi driver had never seen shivering elves before and had never been so confused! The first thing anyone did as the Ellinghams went inside was turn up the heating as high as they could. After about an hour, they were finally feeling comfortable and cozy again.

"I've heard of jet lag before, but is there such a term for a dramatic change in temperature like this?" Elle thought inquisitively.

"I don't know," Eldon replied. "But maybe next time let's try somewhere like Skegness!"

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