Thursday 3 December 2020

25 More Elle Expressions - Day 3

Elle says Delicious

A special occasion was coming up- Christmas! While like any other it would be the busiest time of year at the North Pole, there was a reason this Christmas would be so special to Elle. It was Nic's first Christmas; last year he had been so recently born that he'd be too young to properly celebrate it. By now Nic would be able to participate and Elle wanted to make sure Nic would enjoy the festivities as much as she did.

Elle returned from her deliveries that year and was exhausted. But she wasn't too tired to Santa her way into Nic's bedroom and sneak a present into his stocking. This year Elle had gotten Nic a satsuma, the very same present Elle got for her first Christmas.

"Merry Christmas, Nic!" Elle whispered before she tiptoed out of her room. She was careful not to step or trip on any toys; Eldon had seen to it that no mess would be in the way!

Later that day, Christmas dinner was ready. Eldon had cooked a marvelous, moist turkey. He had also cooked roast potatoes, pigs in blankets, the obligatory brussel sprouts, broccoli, carrots and a yorkshire pudding per head! Elle normally cooked the roast dinners but on Christmas, Eldon does all the hard work to give Elle her much needed rest and relaxation. The family sat at the table, Nic in his high chair and dinner on a plastic tray, and tucked in to their first Christmas dinner together.

Eldon, complimenting his own cooking, said the dinner was "Scrumptious!". You can probably guess what Elle said about her dinner.

To everyone's surprise, another voice said "Chwis'mashy!" Elle and Eldon glared in disbelief, then they cheered. Nic had just spoken his first word! Nic was praised and celebrated for the remainder of the day, little Nic had little to no clue as to what was going on but enjoyed himself all the same.

Elle had always wanted to have her child's first words be something Christmassy, but had never expected it to literally be 'Christmassy'!

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