Saturday 19 December 2020

25 More Elle Expressions - Day 19

 Elle is Puffed Up

I'm sure you're well aware of how Santa does their deliveries every year. There's a bit more to it than you'd have known but you've all been given the general idea. As Santa, it is up to Elle to make these deliveries across the world every year but there are a lot of risks that are involved with the job.

Elle had just come out from a rough neighborhood where numerous thieves had been dressed as Santa in an attempt to steal from numerous households. Elle's litter helper that night, Elaine, had reported the robberies to the authorities. The only problem was, with 'dressed as Santa' being the only thing to go on, it was more important for Elle herself to make sure she was unseen! It was a nightmare and Elle was glad to move on to the next settlement.

Elle's next stop was a seaside town in western England. There she seemed to get along with her work  stress free and was feeling in her element. One of the houses, however, had quite an unpleasant surprise in store for her...

Things were like any other house on the inside. The standard issue of stockings hung in a convenient place, cookies and milk left out with a sherry half drunk by one of the parents. Elle made good time and was on her way out when she remembered the cookies.

"Just a quick nibble and I best be off!" Elle thought to herself. She approached the table and picked up one of the cookies. Now a Santa has to be quick with every action they take on Christmas night, for obvious reasons. One thing they don't have time to do is examine their edibles prior to eating them. With that in mind, Elle picked up a cookie and ate it whole; there was a rather strange and unfamiliar taste to the cookie. Elle took a bite out of the second cookie, making sure to leave evidence, when she noticed something happening.

Elle's cheeks puffed up quickly and they began to feel sore. She examined the cookie closely and realized her mistake. Elle was having an allergic reaction to nuts! Elle was alright with Chesnuts but any other nuts made her cheeks swell while her face and throat would become sore.

"Oh Jiminy Christmas!" Elle groaned, or at least she tried to groan. It was the most painful, stinging groan she had felt in a long time.

Elle had to rush back to the sleigh where Elaine could then get out her medical kit. All of Santa's little helpers have to be medically trained if they are to assist with the Christmas deliveries so as to tend to any needs a Santa might develop. Elaine was giggling as she applied a syringe containing Elle's antidote.

"It's not funny!" sulked Elle.

"It is a bit, you should see your face!"

"Keep it down," Elle hissed. "Do you want to draw attention to us?"

"Sorry, Elle." Elaine whispered as she composed herself. "Right, you should be back to normal in about an hour. Will you need me to take over?"

"Only with the flying, thanks. I can handle the rest."

Elaine took hold of the harness and signaled for Dancer to take off. Elle sat back in the sleigh and waited until they were to land at their next stop.

"I hope no one walks in on us," Elle began. "Seeing Santa is one thing but Santa with a bloated face would be ridiculous!"

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