Wednesday 2 December 2020

25 More Elle Expressions - Day 2

Elle is Drowsy

Babies tend to cry, quite a lot. Even baby elves practice this tradition of crying for what feels like an eternity to the parents. Elle certainly called it an eternity, but she carried on trying her best to stay merry.

After a couple of weeks off work, Eldon had to go back. Things got tougher from there for Elle as she started looking through the Merrry Pages for any nannies that could offer their services. Eldon felt bad for leaving Elle with Nic on her own but Elle insisted and her mind's made up on something- that's it.

Eldon was up one morning after just three hours sleep at the most. Elle was also very tired but still looking after Nic who insisted on receiving attention at ten past five. Eldon just decided from then to get ready for work, helping Elle out when she needed it. For instance, Eldon offered to cradle Nic for Elle while she made herself a coffee.

"Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, jingle all the way-" Eldon calmly sang to Nic; it turned out Jingle Bells was his favourite lullaby. By the time Elle had drank her coffee, she was ready to take Nic back. Nic was sleeping like a rock and Elle sat in the armchair hoping things would be peaceful for a while.

But Eldon is a bit of a clumsy elf. Once he was dressed and tiptoeing across the lounge, he failed to notice one of Nic's toys laid out on the floor. One he had forgotten to put away the night before. As Eldon snuck across the room, he stepped on the toy and fell over in surprise! This particular toy was a big smiley face painted onto a button. The button, when pressed, would play lively music to entertain curious babies who would have intentionally pressed the button. The lively music played loud enough to wake Nic up and there he was again, crying in Elle's arms.

"Sorry!" Eldon repeatedly apologized as he quickly finished getting ready for work, hoping to make a lucky escape in case Elle snapped at him! Elle didn't bother though, she now had a crying Nic to look after again! How she was still awake was beyond her! It was going to be a long couple of weeks more before Nic started to calm down.

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