Sunday 9 December 2018

25 Elle Expressions | Day 9

Elle was Flirty

One day Elle seemed more of an air head than usual, her mind was on other things. It was just a few days before her anniversary with Eldon and she was feeling reminiscent of the past they had shared together. They had known each other since Elle's career as a helper was more recent but that was by now over thirty years ago.

They hadn't always been dating, in fact it took them a while before anything happened between them. It had always been that Elle and Eldon were good friends, though a lot of the elves could tell that Eldon soon developed feelings for his current partner. Elle was too occupied with her obsession over Santa to notice that anyone had the hots for her, not that it hadn't been discussed with other elves such as Elaine.

As it happens, Elle was the elf to make the first move! Why this was the case, nobody knows but Elle had suddenly taken an interest in Eldon. She approached him one afternoon and broke the ice.

'Hey Eldon, what you doing later?' Eldon was caught off guard by this forward approach but tried his hardest to appear confident.

'N-n-nothing yet, depends if-f y-you're asking.'

'Well there's a pretty good film on down at Pole Pictures and just thought it'd be nice to have someone to go with.'

'Yeah, alright, sure!' Eldon replied, trying not to sound excited. Elle put her arm around Eldon and leaned towards him seductively, Eldon is one of the more innocent elves but his eyes couldn't help but bulge!

'And maybe we do something after like- sorry did you say yes?'


'Oh! Great, well, yeah!' Elle was slightly surprised but happy to have secured her date. 'I'll see you about seven then, at your place, yeah?' Eldon agreed to Elle's arrangements and so they met as agreed. Coincidentally Santa and his wife had been celebrating their anniversary at that very same cinema, watching the very same movie! It had made Elle giggle like a little girl, though in the end was did not remain so distracted as normal.

Years later Elle and Eldon, though very busy, are still a happy couple who are making time for each other. Elle has no regrets about asking Eldon out and Eldon has no regrets about going.

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