Sunday 23 December 2018

25 Elle Expressions | Day 23

Elle is Ill

It had been several months since Elle was confirmed to be pregnant. More was being done to help her while she was keeping on top of her work and Elle found herself struggling more, perhaps it was time to take maternity leave? Elle refused to take it, she was determined to remain working at the North Pole as Santa, what would happen if the other Santas took months off? Granted Elle would have a legitimately excusable reason to do so but she didn't fancy taking her chances.

By not taking the chance of putting a Santa on their first ever maternity leave, Elle was taking different chances, such as working in such a busy environment while prone to morning sickness! It was one particular morning when her luck seemed to draw the short straw.  Elle found that she was going to be sick, but the nearest toilets to her were marked disabled.

'Oh what the hell, I'm Santa!' Elle thought to herself and rushed in. When Elle came back out, feeling relived but still not at her best, she was greeted by Wendy. Wendy had been waiting outside the toilet and was looking at Elle sternly.

'Um, Santa, you do realize this picture has a wheelchair, right?' Elle felt quite shocked in her position to be criticized the way she was but shrugged it off.

'Oh yeah, sorry Wendy.' Wendy didn't seem to kick up a fuss about the incident but Elle found out a few days later that Wendy was campaigning to have the disabled toilets issued with security passes! Elle was not at all pleased about this and hoped it was just a rumor. A couple of weeks later, Wendy came into Elle's office and handed her a petition.

'There's been too many occasions when the illegitimately disabled have been using disabled access facilities and it has to stop!' declared Wendy.

'Is this because of the other day?' Elle asked. 'When you saw me coming out of the toilets?' Elle was prepared to have a heated discussion with Wendy about the matter. But Wendy looked sympathetic instead of stern.

'Not exactly. I wasn't impressed but come on, you're pregnant!' Wendy explained. 'I'm talking about the dozens of elves I see on other occasions using these toilets, not even going through incoming motherhood!' Elle was relieved and so calmly had a chat with Wendy about the proposal.

'Well thank you for coming to talk to me about this.' Elle said as she concluded the meeting. 'I'll have it seen to and let's say in about a couple to four months time, everything should be sorted.'

'Thank you, Santa.' And with a contented smile on her face, Wendy wheeled herself out of the office. Elle laid back in her seat with relief.

'The sooner I have this baby, the better!' she thought to herself.

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