Thursday 13 December 2018

25 Elle Expressions | Day 13

Elle feels Bereft


This particular entry should be read and viewed with caution, may cause distress to viewers.

'Here lies Nicholas Claus. He was a merry man, a jolly man. Children across the world will remember this man for the many years of dedicated donation that he has endured.' The eulogy went on as friends and family of the former Santa stood around his grave. Among these people, of course, were Elle the current Santa and her partner Eldon.

Elle had been working hard for Christmas preparations and it was a hot summer's day, at least as hot as it gets at the North Pole. Elle was a few minuets short of her lunch break and was in her office when she got the call. Elle wasn't the first to be told, but was the first in the workplace to find out. Elle left work early that day, didn't have any lunch either. Then Eldon was the next to find out and soon the news was made public to the elves.

The funeral had not been made available for everyone, simply for the sake of security, though Santa otherwise would have allowed anyone and everyone to come along. Mrs. Claus was there, Frosty was, all nine reindeer attended and then some of Santa's family that Elle has never met before as well as a few business associates who Nicholas worked with.

The snow fall settled as the service ended and everyone started to leave. Gradually less people were around until it was just Mrs. Claus, Elle and Eldon. Eldon decided it was time he and Elle should leave so they could let Mrs. Claus have a moment alone. They left the grave but didn't leave the yard, so as to see that Mrs. Claus left safely. That's just what she did, the vicar gave her a lift and so that just left Elle and Eldon. Elle took one last look at the gravestone before she turned away and left.

And so that was it, the Santa who had inspired her, made her the elf she was and even allowed her to replace him was gone. Never have three Santas been alive at one time but Elle was now the only Santa, for however long her time in charge may take. After a couple of weeks Elle returned to work and gradually became motivated by the death of Nicholas, as a means to be more determined to become the best Santa she could ever be.

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