Wednesday 12 December 2018

25 Elle Expressions | Day 12

Elle is Pouty

For the past couple of months, Elle had been attending frequent sessions at the gym, having private lessons with Ben the beefy elf. Eldon has been noticing these sessions and was becoming worried. The worry soon turned into frustration. It didn't help that Elle was also frustrated about something, but she wouldn't talk to Eldon about it. Eldon's frustration was further fueled by the fact that Elle would not tell him about whatever it was that was making her frustrated and so the two elves started to grow bitter to each other, until one day.

Eldon was in the workshops shifting wooden blocks that would be cut into toy parts. Elle came in to do one of her inspections, Santa always has to make time to check how the elves are doing in their working environments. Usually the elves eagerly await Santa's approach but today, they were not looking forward to the visit. This was because they knew she would most probably be grumbling at Eldon... again.

'Morning everyone.' Elle called, less than enthusiastically, she also knew what was coming. As Elle went around checking on the elves, Eldon and Elle would occasionally exchange glances and roll eyes at each other. Eventually Elle came to Eldon, saving him for last just to prolong the wait.

'Eldon.' Elle began, breaking the awkward ice.


'You mean, Santa?'

'Oh, sorry, Santa. I forgot, it's whatever you want.'

'Within reason.'

'And the gym.'

'What are you going on about now?'

'Not my business, why don't you ask Ben?' Elle was confused when Ben had been brought up.

'What's Ben got to do with it?'

'Oh don't give me that!'

'Give you what? You're the one who's got a problem but you won't say anything!' Eldon had quite enough and was ready to burst but in doing so, he slammed the wooden box he was carrying onto the worktop and trapped his fingers beneath them! Eldon yelped in pain and Hoho, who was working close by, immediately sent for medics. As sympathetic as everyone was for Eldon, they felt relieved that the row had come to an end.

Later that day, Eldon had been sent home on account of being unable to work until his hands were better, which would only be a few days at most. That very evening Elle came to visit Eldon, though she was still feeling bitterly towards him. It was very awkward between the two until Elle couldn't resist bringing up the argument they had earlier.

'So what's all this about Ben and the gym?'

'Are you trying to pretend I don't know?' grumbled Eldon. 'I see you and him in there, always having your private sessions.'

'Yeah, and?'

'You and him, what else can I say?' Elle was still confused for a moment and then rolled her eyes in realization.

'Eldon, I am not having an affair. I book the gym private because I get embarrassed, I'm useless in the gym! And Ben's not my type, he's like Elton on steroids!' Eldon snorted, trying not to laugh. Then he came to a realization.

'So what have you been grumbling about lately?'

'Besides your grumbling I've been stressed over the publicity the change of Santa is getting. Apparently the world isn't ready to accept a female Santa and we've been having several meetings about it. Long story short, even though I'm Santa, everyone's going to pretend Nicholas is still Santa.' Eldon raised his hand to place his hand on Elle's shoulder but hesitated due to his sore fingers.

'Elle, I'm sorry.'

'No I'm sorry, I should've been telling you but I just couldn't accept it.'

'I was stupid, letting myself get jealous of beefy Ben.' Elle and Eldon shared a little chuckle and it seemed that once again all was well. After that, Elle ended her private sessions so as to put Eldon's mind at ease and then started attending the gym while it was open to the rest of the employees. Elle was nervous at first but Eldon came along to a few sessions to help with her confidence. Elle is no longer ashamed to attend the gym on her own and Eldon doesn't let jealousy get the better of him so easily anymore.

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