Tuesday 18 December 2018

25 Elle Expressions | Day 18

Elle is Drunk

Before Nicholas retired as Santa, there had been a great deal of controversy with one of the annual celebrations, the Christmas Cracker. Elle was supposedly a part of these events however she doesn't talk about it and answers to none of the theories. With Nicholas passed away and everyone else aware being silenced, it seemed the secrets of what happened had been taken to Nicholas' grave.

One morning, Elle got a letter from an anonymous source, made out of newspaper cuttings. The letter read:

Dear Santa,

We have met before but I shall skip the introductions. All you need to know is that I have something that may be of interest to you. I will be waiting for you, contact me to arrange a get together. If I do not receive a response within the next fortnight, I shall expose you. There is a phone number on the back of this letter.

Yours sincerely,
You'll find out soon enough

Elle was extremely nervous and was going to call security, if not for the threat of exposure. Whatever was going on was something that she must have been keeping a secret from the public. Elle discussed it with Eldon and went to a public phone box to make the call. The voice was modulated, it was impossible to tell who it could have been. But a meeting had now been arranged, though Elle was instructed to come alone.

'No.' demanded Eldon to his fiance. 'Take security with you, just keep them hidden enough for this Krampus not to get suspicious.' Elle agreed and so the arrangements were made.

Elle met with a hooded figure in a small building. In the building was a room with just a table and two seats, not very well kept but stable enough to trust. There was no armory, no ventilation or weapons, thus no chance of any surprise attacks that Elle couldn't defend herself from. Elle sat where she was instructed and the hooded figure sat opposite, his face still hidden despite the dim light shining above them.

'So you're having a kid.' The elf said, to break the ice.

'Yes.' Elle replied hesitantly. 'What it's got to do with you I have no idea.'

'Nothing at all, just taking an interest. Congratulations.' There was an awkward silence.

'So are we going to talk or did you invite me here just to stare?'

'Yeah, fair enough. Might as well get it over with, eh?' the mysterious elf removed his hooded disguise and instantly Elle recognized him. It was Elias, an elf who used to work at the North Pole until he was arrested, caught in the act of stealing a mass supply of toys from the workshop.

'You!' Elle exclaimed in surprise.

'Remember this face?' grinned Elias menacingly.

'The foulest elf I've laid eyes on, how can I forget?'

'Now, now, no need to be rude. I made up for my crimes, remember? You even got a present out of me.'

'Yeah, how can I forget someone posting Santa a bomb?'

'Oh is that what it was?' Elias asked, pretending to be innocent. 'Well I did say to make it a big surprise.'

'No kidding.' pouted Elle. 'So, why did you call me here?'

'Christmas Cracker.' Elias replied. Then he grinned a sinister grin. Elle was worried, if Elias was implying that he knew about the controversy, then how did he find out?

'What about them?'

'I'm talking about the party, one particular party.' Elias leaned forward to increase the intimidation. 'I know what you did, Elle Ellison.' Elle looked afraid, this was bad, very bad.

'How do you know?'

'Pictures. I have several.' then Elias showed one of the photos, it was a drunken Elle being thrown into the air whilst in a Santa hat, a bra and wearing a fake mustache. It was an embarrassing photo. Elle looked at it nervously but then realized something.

'You haven't a clue what happened.' Elle replied confidently.

'What makes you think that?' grumbled Elias.

'First of all, that is an old photo of a much younger me. Secondly, I got rid of that Santa hat and fake mustache at least a decade before Nicholas retired, before this celebration you're talking about.' Elias' attempt to remain calm was failing, his grumble was becoming more obvious. 'Thirdly, this picture was included in the annual Christmas Cracker Memoir that we sell, I have a copy of that one myself. There never was a Christmas Cracker Memoir for the year that everyone's calling controversial.' Elle stood up confidently while Elias glared at her hatefully. 'So all you have proof of is that this is a scam with an empty threat. What were you hoping to gain from this, money, a job?' Elias didn't reply, he just sulked.

Elle left the table and walked around it past Elias, who just glared.

'Well it's been lovely Elias but there's work to be done. Good honest work that doesn't require cheating and threatening.' Elias snapped and leaped out of his chair to attack Elle, but unfortunately for him, Elle had seen it coming. Elle swung a fist at Elias and it went straight into his face, knocking him back into the chair. Elle immediately opened the door and marched out. By the time Elias had recovered and was going to find her, Elle's security came in to restrain Elias and take him away.

Elias was arrested, again, and that was the end of the matter. Elle returned to Eldon feeling relieved, it had certainly been a close shave!

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