Saturday 1 December 2018

25 Eelle Expressions | Day 1

Elle is Triumphant

Welcome back to this 25 day marathon! Last year we focused on Santa, but this year there's a new Santa in town so we're focusing on former helper, Elle Ellison!

It had been a week since Elle had been given her promotion and by now, all of the her stuff had been moved into her new office, including a brand new mug which she had given to herself as a present. Looking around the office, Elle was taken on a trip down memory lane. One of her first memories was made in this room, her interview with Nicholas, the Santa before her. She remembered how Elle claimed to be doing his job in a matter of years; it was only a response she has been taught to give so she would sound confident in job interviews, but she never expected it would actually happen!

A few things had to be changed about the office, since this was the first time the role of Santa had been passed on to someone not of relation to the heir, let alone an elf. There were extra steps placed either side of the chair behind the desk and a metallic staircase on wheels had been brought in from one of the warehouses. At last everything was ready for Elle to be working in her new office and she couldn't contain her excitement.

Nobody else was in the room, the entire office was in view from where Elle sat at the desk. Deciding it was time to vent out her joy, Elle leaped onto the desk and stretched out her arms like a star. Elle couldn't help but cry out for joy! 'Oh, ho, yes! I'm Santa!'

It was a moment afterwards that Elle's receptionist entered the room in a hurry. Elle had not time to get off the desk and so she exchanged an awkward glance with the receptionist. Without saying a word, the receptionist slowly backed away and closed the door. Elle recovered from the awkward moment and got back into her seat. The novelty of being Santa's nice, but she had a job now and it's time to get down to business!

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