Friday 21 December 2018

25 Elle Expressions | Day 21

Elle feels Fear

The big day had arrived, Santa was going to get married! Lots of time and money had gone towards this wedding and it was the biggest event at the North Pole right now. Have you ever seen a royal wedding? Imagine that, but elves- lots and lots of elves. It's one of the few occasions in which all of the elves at Santa's workshops get the day off. There were parties in the streets, commemorative merchandise selling like hot cakes and films crews gathering all around St. Mary's church, where Elle and Eldon were destined to be wed.

Everything was set for the grand event to commence, all except Elle's mental stability. She was trembling in fear whilst surrounded by her bridesmaids.

'Oh gosh, I'm scared...' Elle managed to say.

'You okay, Elle?' Wendy asked. Elle was becoming almost too nervous to speak. At least, she managed to make a sound.

'Meap!' she quietly yelped. Poor Elle had become overwhelmed by the occasion and was struggling to keep herself together. Elaine, Wendy and the other bridesmaids gathered around supportingly to calm Elle down. It was only a matter of time before Elle calmed down enough to be ready for the wedding.

Eventually Elle and the bridesmaids turned up at the chapel and Elle was taken inside where at the altar stood Eldon. He looked nervous, but happy to see Elle. The chapel was full of Elle and Eldon's families, their close friends and important figures around the North Pole. There were even some significant people from across the world that had come to attend the wedding in order to honour Santa.

The Relfverend, the same one who had done Nicholas' funeral, was there to marry the happy couple. But before they were to be married, there was a long and tedious ceremony performed by the Relfverend and a number of the important figures that had attended. At last it came to the all important moment.

'Do you, Eldon Kringle Ellingham-' a few of the less than well behaved relatives from both families started snickering. The Relfverend paused and glared before continuing. 'Take this woman, Elle Eleisha Ellison, to be your lawfully wedded wife?'

'I do.' Eldon replied.

'Do you, Elle Eleisha Ellison, take this man, Eldon Ellingham, to be your lawfully wedded husband?'

'I do.' Elle answered. The declarations had been made and by law, Elle was no longer Elle Ellison. Elle Ellingham kissed her husband and there was applause.

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