Monday 17 December 2018

25 Elle Expressions | Day 17

Elle is Sarcastic

It had been a couple of months since Elle found out she was pregnant. Despite this, she continued to work just as normal, she was very reluctant to stop working. There were elves questioning how and why Elle was continuing to work to the extent that she was.

'Seriously, Santa.' Began Thomas Elfison. 'How are you managing to keep on top of everything?'

'It runs in the family I suppose.' Elle replied. 'My mother was always a hard worker and actually managed to work to the point of giving birth.' Thomas Elfison was speechless! 'And so that's how I was born, in the nurse's office here.'

This story sparked theories about Elle seemingly being destined to become the next Santa, just by being born on the company property. Elle was amused but not convinced by the theory; besides, Santa didn't have any descendants, that wasn't Elle's doing!

One day, Elle was going around the workshops to do her usual checks and arrived at the packing department. Elaine was working there, shifting boxes from trolleys and onto shelves. Elle came by the check on her.

'Morning Elaine, you alright?'

'Hello Elle, still working are you?'

'No I've gone home for maternity leave.' Elle replied in amusement. 'How's work been lately?'

'Oh it's been quite alright. I get the feeling Elton might be getting on our nerves, well, the women particularly.' Elle rolled her eyes, while Elton wasn't exactly the best behaved elf, Elaine always found something to moan about. 'And there's the company radio station playing nearly nothing but Christmas songs lately, but I needn't worry you with all that. Not now that you have a child on the way.'

'Excuse me, I'm quite capable of managing, thank you.'

'Oh I have no doubt in you, its just I think you're bump is starting to show.'

'Is it really?' Elle sarcastically replied, getting quite annoyed with Elaine as she always used to.

'Yes, not very good for the figure. Good tip by the way, when you've had the baby, I'd sign yourself up for some private gym sessions with that Ben. His methods may be questionable but he'll get your figure back in no time, you'd never know you had a baby!' Elle was speechless, but let Elaine get on with her work.

That evening Elle told Eldon all about it and they had a good laugh about it as they exchanged insulting remarks about Elaine between themselves.

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