Thursday 20 December 2018

25 Elle Expressions | Day 20

Elle is Sad

One day Elle wasn't feeling so well.  Her health was fine, the fact that she wasn't feeling so well was down to her emotions. Elle had been overcome by a sudden misery, whether or not it was a hormonal matter or not wasn't confirmed. Most of the elves assumed it was down to hormones and maybe it could have been, but there was one elf had other ideas and was determined to cheer up his boss.

Hoho went into Elle's office that morning as he was given the duty of delivering refreshments to the elves. He wasn't supposed to be doing this job but he had begged enough to annoy the interns into letting him do it for them. He brought Elle a coffee in her favourite mug.

'Morning, Santa. How are you today?'

'Hello, Hoho.' sighed Elle. 'Things have been better I'm afraid. I wouldn't worry about it though.'

'Oh but as a fellow little helper I insist that I must worry about it!' Hoho insisted. 'You're Santa, the merriest of them all! We can't have you moping around the office all day now, can we?'

'That's just it though, am I Santa?' Hoho was confused.

'I wear the suit, I own the title but I'm hardly as good as Santa as Nicholas was.' Elle explained, leaning back further into her chair. 'I'm just an elf in Santa clothing, trying to make Christmas the most wonderful time of the year but all I'm doing is letting Santa's reputation fall. People seem to treat Santa like a joke and hate me for sitting where he once did. I get the feeling that Santa made the wrong choice choosing me.'

'Are you kidding?' Hoho replied. 'You're the best Santa I've ever known! You may not be the legendary fat man with a fluffy white beard but you're full of ideas, always encouraging us to be merry and doing what the old Santa would've wanted, keeping Christmas going!' Elle had her doubts. 'You idolize the old Santa, I get that. It's the same as how we idolize you. But you can't be the same Santa he was, otherwise what was the point in you taking over? You're doing a marvelous job as Santa and I'm sure the old one is smiling down on you with pride! Your coffee mug has labelled you wrong, you're not the number two Santa, you're number one!'

Elle was quite inspired by Hoho's kind words.

'Do you really think so?'

'Of course I do! I wouldn't say so if it wasn't the truth! Things were certain to be different once you sat on his seat, and maybe he was feeling the same way at some point. This is all just a part of the cycle, and it's you whose been chosen to keep it in motion. Hopefully for a long, merry while.' Elle was silent for a moment, taking in the kind words she had been told.

'Thank you, Hoho.' Elle finally spoke. 'I really appreciate what you've said. It means a lot to me.'

'Anytime, Santa.' Hoho smiled. 'I should get back to work not, I'm not even supposed to be in here!' Elle gave a stern look at Hoho, almost as if to intimidate him and then she spoke again in a kind voice.

'I think we can overlook that today.' Elle winked at Hoho and then escorted him back to his workplace. After that, Elle felt better about herself and more confident as Santa. It had been a rollercoaster of an experience and Elle was happy to continue the ride in the seat of Santa.

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