Saturday 15 December 2018

25 Elle Expressions | Day 15

Elle is Confident

Every year the North Pole's workshops hold a part which gained the nickname 'Christmas Cracker'. However towards the end of Nicholas' career, there had been some severe controversy that saw the business facing potential lawsuits! Elle doesn't admit how she was one of the guilty party and to this day is reluctant to talk about the events of that fateful celebration!

Ever since this happened, the Christmas Cracker was forced to restrict the alcohol consumption and there would even be visits from the police to see that all was well. After a few years of Elle being in charge, another Christmas Cracker was coming up, though nowadays everyone was calling it the Christmas Cop-out.

There is a speaker system that it hooked up to Elle's office so that if urgent announcements need to be made, it can be done without consuming too much time on spreading the word. One afternoon an announcement was made through these speakers.

'Merry afternoon ladies and gentle-elves. As you all know the Christmas Cracker is just a month away, a time when we can all let loose and have fun.'

'Huh!' grunted Elton, one of many elves to give the same sort of reaction.

'I'd love to have been at a Cracker like the ones you used to have.' remarked Thomas Elfison. The younger elves who had joined since Elle became Santa were enthusiastic about the event but curious as to how it used to be.

'And this year we're really going to do it! I'm arranging extra shipments of refreshments all to your liking, I think we can be trusted to have some real fun again at last!' Most of the elves were excited and delighted! This was going to be the best celebration ever! 'On one condition!' Elle demanded, silence fell and everyone began to worry. 'The police are not to know.' Everyone was relieved, except from a few of the newer elves.

Maybe it's the work of these newer elves that had the police coming around to make checks earlier than usual. But Elle was prepared for this luckily and so confronted the police.

'Good morning, Santa. We're here to make sure the Christmas Cracker preparations are going okay.'

'Yes, of course! We're trying out something a little different this year, an alcohol free party! I was thinking how the chances of over-saturated consumption were still possible so long as we had enough drink stored for any elf to do so. The solution? Switch to alcohol free drinks!'

Elle showed the officer a document on the clipboard, it was a written list of the drinks Elle intended to order and the prices that they would cost if bought in suck bulk. While the officer was distracted by this document, Wendy and Hoho were able to sneak past with crates of drink, actually alcoholic, to be stored away elsewhere for the celebration! The officer didn't notice and approved of the activity that had been going on.

'Well without further ado I'll leave you to your preparations. I understand it must be a busy month for you.'

'Yes indeed, must get back to work. Same as you I suppose.' Elle remarked, trying not to let her witty sarcasm shine through. The officer tipped his hat and left. A few minutes after he left, Elle gave a huge sigh of relief and went back to work. There was a great celebration ahead of them!

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