Saturday 8 December 2018

25 Elle Expressions | Day 8

Elle is Silly

Elle was incredibly motivated to work hard today. Everything was running smoothly and there was a good chance to get things done ahead of schedule! It had been a productive week so far and Elle was determined to keep it that way.

'Backstreet Elves are in town!' Elaine gossiped to the other elves. Immediately Elle made a run for it and left work early. She rushed home and got changed so she was wearing her Backstreet Elves shirt, what a relief that it was still a good fit on her. Putting on her new red hat and making sure she looked her absolute best, Elle went out into the town to find the Backstreet Elves.

Elle had always wanted to meet the Backstreet Elves and had even been to one of their performances before, though she had never gotten the chance to meet them. This time it would be different, if anything Elle was the bigger celebrity now for being Santa! This was a problem however, just because the locals got to see Santa a lot that didn't mean they wouldn't get excited every time they saw her. It took about ten minutes for paparazzi to be chasing after Elle, who because she has snuck away from work and forgotten to arrange for bodyguards, was helpless against the might of her fans!

'Santa, can I get your autograph?' or 'Santa, I'm your biggest fan!' or 'When am I back on the good list?' as well as other things were being called out at Elle who was easily overwhelmed by the crowd and regretting her decision to leave work. She was about to call the police for help when a guard grabbed her by the arm and ran. Elle had no idea what was going on, not that she did before, but it resulted in her being huddled by some bodyguards who happened to be looking after the Backstreet Elves!

'Oh my gosh, I've been looking everywhere for you!' Elle exploded with excitement, but tried her best to prevent being chucked back into the paparazzi. Luckily everyone was understanding and Elle was escorted to safety from the crowds as well as the Backstreet Elves. 'Thanks guys, I thought I was done for!'

'Tell me why,' began one of the group 'You're going around without any security, you're like A list famous!'

'Ain't nothing but a mistake,' Elle explained. 'I was rushing to get out into town, so I could meet you five.' Elle blushed as the group exchanged looks. It turns out they were perfectly fine with Elle's story and they even ate out together! It was a pleasant afternoon and rounded off with a selfie of the whole group, Elle couldn't help but make a silly face!

When Nicholas found out, he was not best pleased about Elle's stunt, but knew how nothing could come between Elle and the Backstreet Elves.

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