Tuesday 11 December 2018

25 Elle Expressions | Day 11

Elle is Confused

Being Santa is hard work, very hard work. It is very important that Santa's body is kept in good health which means good exercise. Recently the Santas have been getting larger so the importance of having a gym was realized and allowed one to be constructed at the North Pole as a private gym. Since Nicholas' retirement, the gym has been made open for staff use but Elle still has to attend every now and then to keep herself in good health.

Elle had never used a gym before and so it was all very new to her. She had been to the gym with Nicholas but had never done anything herself and was only there just to keep an eye on him. Today was her first session in the gym and it had been closed for her to use privately. Elle felt this was just as well as she didn't want to chance making herself look foolish in front of other exercising elves. When Elle arrived, she was greeted by a very muscular elf with perhaps the broadest elf shoulders Elle has known!

'Morning Santa, I'm Ben and I'll be your private tutor for the duration of this session.'

'Good to meet you Ben, don't recall seeing you before, joined recently?' Elle asked as she shook Ben by the hand, nearly crushing her own by his sheer strength.

'Started about a year ago. If you'd like to come this way I'll show you what we're going to be working with today.' Elle was given a runthrough of the equipment and where things were. After the tour Elle was given a pair of handles connected with a number of spiraled wires. 'Okay, you ever used a chest expander before?'

'I beg your pardon?'

'That's what it's called.' Ben explained. 'This'll help give you a stronger chest, good for breathing.' Elle didn't know much about fitness so accepted the advice without hesitation and let Ben teach her how to use the chest expander. It wasn't very easy, it seemed like the wires were reluctant to retract. It confused Elle how something that looked so simple was turning out to be so challenging. Just as Elle was struggling to work the chest expander, Eldon was walking past the gym and was able to see Elle's exercise through the window.

'Don't worry, your chest will be the strongest in the North Pole given time!'

'By the looks for your's I doubt that!' Elle thought to herself. Eldon however was more focused on the big muscular elf complimenting his partner, with who he was tutoring in a private session. Eldon didn't feel comfortable about this, in fact he suspected that no good could come out of this arrangement.

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