Sunday 16 December 2018

25 Elle Expressions | Day 16

Elle feels WTF?!

It had been a few weeks since Elle's conditions had been affecting her work. She was still having the same struggles, but now she knew why thanks to her doctor. She was managing to keep on top of things and other elves were helping out where and when they could. Though Eldon has been strangely secretive since Elle found out what was going on with her. That is until the third week later.

'Elle, you know how Michow Mooble only comes here to sing around Christmas time?'


'And how you love his music?'


'Well we're going out to see him live, front row seats!'

'Ohmigosh, yes!' Elle squeaked. If there were any music stars Elle loved as much as the Backstreet Elves, it was Michow Mooble. Her family used to play Michow's festive songs when Christmas came around, so he always gave Elle sense of nostalgia.

It was a brilliant concert, Michow was a little tired since he had only recently performed at his home stadium but was giving it his all anyway. He knew his Christmas concerts were a big deal at the North Pole and wouldn't dare disappoint, especially knowing Santa herself would be there. The music was amazing, the singing as smooth as ever and Elle was enjoying herself. She hadn't noticed how Eldon had slipped quietly away to go to the toilet... fifteen minutes ago.

Elle was in her element when all of the sudden Michow had a little helper come onto the stage, he was large but merry looking and carried a small box about the size of a palm.

'And now, ladies and gentle-elves, this lucky fella's got a very big question to ask someone. Take it away, Eldon.' Michow Mooble passed the microphone over to Eldon and Elle was left confused.

'For the longest time I never thought I'd be saying this, but Santa, will you marry me?' All of the elves in the audience were cheering, some were jealous that they had not received such as a proposal prompted by the Michow Mooble. Elle's mind was blown, she was not expecting this in the slightest! At last Eldon's secretive behavior made sense, he had been going out to find the ring and then keeping it from her while arranging the concert.

It's hardly going to surprise you, Elle said yes to the proposal and was then encouraged to join Michow and Eldon on stage, they even got to feature in his next song! Elle was delighted, it had been a rough few months for her recently but her future was looking brighter than ever. First she became Santa, then she found out she was going to become a mother and now she was going to become a wife!

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