Wednesday 5 December 2018

25 Elle Expressions | Day 5

Elle is Tired

It had been a busy winter day. The reindeer has been assigned their Christmas Eve duties, presents were being packed onto the sleigh and Elle had attended a meeting to discuss the company's finances; it was only mid day as well! All of the work had Elle exhausted as she went back to her office to continue working. Just as Elle was approaching her office, she saw an elf carrying two mugs of coffee. Elle was too tired to recognize the elf.

'You got time for a cuppa?' asked the blurry elf. The voice was also familiar but Elle didn't have the strength to think about where she'd heard it before. 'You alright, Sugarplum?' There was only one elf that called her Sugarplum, it had to be her boyfriend Eldon.

'Eldon, what are you doing here?' asked Elle before she was overcome by a big yawn.

'Don't you want a coffee to keep you going?' chuckled Eldon, showing one of the mugs which was actually Elle's favourite mug that she had gotten herself when she became Santa. Elle accepted Eldon's coffee and invited him into her office for a chat, she decided to be naughty and take a break.

Elle and Eldon had been dating for a while now, in fact one of their first dates was to the cinema where they saw Nicholas celebrating his anniversary! But ever since Elle got promoted to Santa, the amount of work had started to separate them and while they still got on with each other well and there had been no tension between them, they had begun to feel rather distant from each other. This would be the first time this month that they had been able to just chat together.

Eldon made sure that Elle was caught up on all of the social activity going on in the workshops, including how Elton had been rejected by Elaine. Elle then told Eldon how things were from Santa's perspective, the amount of stuff she had to be dealing with recently and that she was nearly ready for her first Christmas Eve run. After they had caught up on the important things, they realized just how much they missed each other.

'I'm seeing family at Christmas,' Elle began. 'But maybe we can do something for New Year's Day?' Eldon agreed and so that evening he bought tickets to the Northern Light Show, a special display that is presented every new year. I'm sure Elle won't be too tired to go to that!

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