Tuesday 4 December 2018

25 Elle Expressions | Day 4

Elle is Irritated

Elle started out working at the North Pole as a Little Helper, the title given to the elves who would work in varied parts of the workshop depending on where they were needed. As time goes on the world becomes more populated, so there is always room for employment at the North Pole. One day it was time for Elle to welcome some new recruits.

Most of the new elves were as enthusiastic as Elle when she started out, so Elle could understand how they felt. But all the same, now Elle was able to relate to Nicholas on her first days, she realized how annoying she must have been! Elle remembered how Nicholas had been such an inspiration to her and that she idolized him throughout her career, but this time it was a different case. For the first time Santa was one of the elves, so now all of them were given that extra bit of inspiration and motivation, hoping one day they too could become Santa.

As is necessary when taking on new staff, Elle would have to make occasional checks to make sure they were up to the jobs they were being assigned. On her first check, rather than finding out how the elves were doing with their work, she was bombarded by a pack of elves out to get her approval.

'Miss Santa, I think it's great that there's girl power under that hat now!' called one elf who must have been a feminist.

'Santa, you've done well for yourself, I heard you used to be rather large!' said a not so bright elf named Thomas Elfison.

'Santa, Santa, I've been working really hard and some day I'm gonna ride that sleigh just like you!' bragged an elf in a wheelchair.

'Three cheers for Santa!' declared the hunchback elf. And just like that all of the elves stared cheering for Elle, who afterwards realized she was suffering from a headache. Sure the elves of her time were impressed when they saw Santa visiting them at work for the first time, but things had never been this crazy! This went on for a couple of weeks until Elle had to start threatening her employees with the potential loss of their jobs.

After this most of the new elves would focus on their work and being the hard working elves Nicholas would have wanted in his company, Elle was quite proud of herself for being able to increase the size of this Christmas armada, even if she had to go through a terrible annoyance in order to achieve it. In fact, having been on both ends of the spectrum, Elle decided to put together a special presentation new employees would get to watch in the future about their behaviour around Santa.

But no matter how hard Elle tried, some elves are still proving to be a bit of a handful; it looks like Elle's got her work cut out with these newcomers!

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