Monday 10 December 2018

25 Elle Expressions | Day 10

Elle is Angry

It was an exciting time for Elle, Christmas Eve had come and she was about to do her first trip around the world! This is what the Santa before her was known for, this is what made the very concept of a Santa so legendary and now it was her turn at last to continue this tradition.

Elle has experienced the sleigh ride before as she got the opportunity to be one of Nicholas' co-drivers, she has even gotten to drive the sleigh herself because Nicholas had drank one too many Sherrys. Elle was pretty proud of herself for doing that and had full confidence that she could fly the sleigh, this would also be her chance to prove herself.

It is believed that all nine reindeer pull the sleigh together but the truth is only one does, but the trip is divided so that no one reindeer does a whole trip. The one reindeer most likely to get overworked is Rudolph, whose nose is the only one that glows enough to light the way. While this becomes a blessing on foggy nights, it is generally a curse for Rudolph who can't focus on what he is seeing whenever his nose lights up. So when it came to his turn for pulling the sleigh and his nose had to be lit up, his vision was compromised.

'Okay Rudolph, just keep going straight!' called Elle who could see where they were going. But instead, Rudolph started to swerve towards the left, much to Elle's confusion. 'Rudolph? We're going straight!'

'No we're supposed to go left!' insisted Rudolph.

'Rudolph I've revised the route, I know which way we're meant to go!'

'Yeah well I'm the one who's done the route countless times, I know better!' Rudolph insisted. Elle has never been given this problem with Rudolph when she had been Nicholas' co-driver, but she had heard tale of Rudolph's stubbornness, he had been this way since the second Santa.

'Rudolph, as your superior I insist that you return to our intended route!' Elle demanded but Rudolph didn't, he just kept going his way. 'Elton!' Elle snapped. Elton nearly jumped out of his skin! 'Show us the map!' Elton didn't have to be asked twice. After taking another look at the map, it turned out that way were going off course.

Suddenly there was a call coming from the North Pole. 'November Papa to Sierra, you are steering off course! Over!'

'Ha! See?' Elle cried. 'You hear that, Rudolph? Elton, you're a witness too!'

'Shouldn't you respond-?'

'Not now, Elton! Rudolph, do as I say and turn back to the right!'

'November Papa to Sierra, is everything okay? Over!'

'Elton will you reply already?' snapped Elle, leaving poor Elton speechless! 'Rudloph, turn right!'

'Stop your shouting, what did H.Q. say?'

'Turn, right!' Cried Elle, leaning forward and almost out of the sleigh, Elton grabbed on to her uniform to stop her from falling out of the sleigh!

'Alright, alright!' grumbled Rudolph. But just as he was about to, there was another call from H.Q.

'November Papa to Sierra, you have turned a full circle, you are back on course!' Elle facepalmed and Elton groaned. He could tell there would now be a whole new argument just to stop Rudolph turning right! But before that, the brief silence of dismay was broken by an angry Elle.

'Elton, talk to the man!'

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