Friday 29 December 2017

December with Droey and Co.

And so we're returning to some form of normality. Hello again everyone, I hope you enjoyed the 25 Santa Expressions collection. Now without further ado, on to today's piece.

I couldn't let the festive season pass without drawing Droey and Co. feeling merry. I'm going to admit, because of the Santa challenge I was feeling a bit burnt out when I did this. However I refused to let that stop me from creating something for this day. So simply I had Droey and Tenvad out and about while Anne Natalie is Christmas shopping. I was going to draw the group carol singing, I'm not quite sure why I doidn't go along with that.

For the first time, I've used a set of pencils from Ryman that I've had lying around for a while. While some of their colours come out nicely, like the blue and dark green, I think these pencils won't be used for anything I'm completely serious about in future. Perhaps for preliminary sketches or technical design but these pencils normally would not be for me.

Now given that Christmas has passed, my supplies have been granted some new additions so perhaps there'll be a bit more experimental content to come. I'm not quite what'll be to come in the next few months, but you'll be garunteed the return of February's 'Mix'n'Match Shipping' poll very soon.

Sorry if this seems like a underwhelming post, it's been a busy month both in and outside of Droey's Draws and with possible changes along the way, there is an amount of thinking to do. In the mean time, the new year is coming up so let's look forward to that.

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