Santa is Confident

When Santa makes his deliveries on the big night, he has to carry a lot of heavy sacks. Over the course of the year, while the elves are piling up the presents and sorting out the mail, Santa has his own personal objective to see to every day. This requires him to spend some hours in his private gym, keeping himself fit enough to lift those heavy sacks.
Elle is one of the elves who takes turns to assist him in the gym. On her first shift in the gym, she had to prepare a dummy sack, so Santa could practice the act of lifting and carrying. It took three elves to move the dummy sack out of storage. Santa was amused by this as he lifted weights. However Elle was rather concerned.
'Are you sure about this? I know you've got centuries of experience but I really don't think you're going to manage this sack.'
'Trust me, Elle.' Santa replied. 'I've got this in the bag, if you pardon the pun. I'm as fit as a fiddle and making myself a younger man every day!'
'I'm not sure if that's even possible.' Elle thought out loud. But to her surprise Santa managed alright. Elle couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of how easy Santa made it look. Clearly if he kept this up, he'd have no trouble when Christmas Eve next came around.
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