Wednesday 6 December 2017

35 Santa Expressions | Day 6

Santa is Sarcastic

It's a busy life up at the North Pole. Like Santa, the elves work hard throughout the year to meet the needs of the children across the world. Now of course, if an elf has to take time off, it can be granted to them. This can be down to personal matters or injuries, but some elves can be rather naughty and try to take their time off for less important purposes.

Elle is rather new to her job and while keen, is still adjusting to the lifestyle of working as one of Santa's staff. Given that, Elle had made a request for some time off, which is rarely done by any elf. Santa was under the impression that something was wrong and so felt concern for the elf.

Now elves are rarely ill, because of this Santa is able to make some time to visit and elf in person when they are not at their best, to give them his best wishes. Elle hadn't provided an exact reason for her time off so Samta was also under the impression that whatever was wrong, must be really wrong.

When Santa arrived at Elle's home, he was surprised to find her fit as a fiddle and dressed for a special occasion! It wasn't a wedding, not an anniversary celebration, not an interview but a concert! Elle likes boy bands but has a rather soft spot for Backstrreet Elves.

'They're larger than life, Santa!' Elle explained. 'I just have to go and see them, they're playing at our local stadium for one night only!'

'Oh yes, those amazing boyish bands with their squeaky voices and meaningful lyrics that aren't an attempt to woo all of the young elves. That's definitely important enough to take time off work!' Elle did not approve of the sarcasm, but knew she was acting in the wrong. This didn't prevent her from preaching about her cause and a heated discussion followed.

The conflict was resolved between the two of them eventually. Elle was granted the night off to see Backstreet Elves, just so long as she got their signatures on a hat for Santa himself!

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