Sunday 3 December 2017

25 Santa Expressions | Day 3

Santa is Shocked

It had been a long day but it was almost over. Despite the amount of work that comes with being the Christmas icon that delivers gifts around the world, Santa still makes time for himself at the end of the day so he can properly unwind. Today would be no exception, that is until Santa returned home.

Santa would not wish to live without a fireplace, a real one at that. Perhaps it is the warmth and glow of the fire, or a convenience for him to excessive his chimney climbing skills. So like he would any day, Santa entered his lounge to have a nice sit down and watch the fire burn. But when he did, he discovered he had an uninvited guest. There was Elle, poking her head out from the fire place!

'Ho, Ho, holy smokes; get out of there!' cried Santa. Elle was at first rather disheartened that Santa did not improve of her taking after his own habits. However when Elle noticed Santa pointing at the fireplace rather than her head, she became suspicious. 

Now very few elves have actually been in Santa's home, so it's highly unlikely they know that he does not use electric lighting or heating. With that in mind, there is only place the heating could come from and only the warmth and glow from beneath Elle's neck, coupled with a rather high temperature getting closer to her own head from above, was enough to tell her where.

'Holy Crisp-mas!' yelped Elle as she flipped herself out from the fireplace. Santa helped put out her fire while she rolled around, luckily no harm was caused to anyone or thing; a Christmas miracle as Elle would put it. Elle was put in 'Elf and Safety' classes for a little while by orders of Santa, she didn't complain. Nor to this day has she attempted the same stunt again.

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