Saturday 23 December 2017

25 Santa Expressions | Day 23

Santa is Drunk

Christmas Eve is the night when Santa does what he is best known for; he travels around the world to deliver presents to all of the nice children of the world. It's a very important and demanding job for Santa, it's also the biggest job given to the reindeer. An elf is always in Santa's company on this night in case anything goes wrong; thank goodness Elle was there on one particular night.

'Jingle bells, Frosty smells, something rhymes with Elle's.' Santa sang, rather off key as he swayed in his seat and rang a little bell.

'Good grief, where'd he get that from?' Rudolph sighed.

'I think he's had it the whole time.' Elle replied, struggling to drive the sleigh. She had practiced driving the sleigh before, as is compulsory for the elf accompanying Santa on his trip. Santa held his arm around Elle as he continued to ring his bell and sing some more. 'This doesn't happen every year does it?'

'No, thank goodness. Though it's becoming more frequent over the past century.' Rudolph was piloting the sleig alone at the moment. It's true that eight reindeer pull the sleigh, but not all at the same time. Each one get assigned to fractions of the world and accompanies Rudolph for the journey. At the moment they were on their way to America where Prancer was waiting.

'We've had worse so far,' Rudolph continued. 'I don't suppose you heard about it but one time this pensioner was just on her way when Santa steers us right into her!'

'You're kidding!' Elle gasped.

'No, poor Dasher was didn't want to do the run next year. That's when we brought Olive into the team.' For those who don't know who Olive is, she's the other reindeer who stands in when another reindeer is out of commission. Suddenly out of nowhere, Santa burst into a fit of giggles, during which he dropped his bell.

'Elle.' Santa said after staring down at the falling bell. 'Elle.' Knowing it was the only way to hush Santa, Elle hesitantly responded. 'I dropped my bell. Momentarily Santa started giggling again.

'Tradition or not, I'm gonna speak to the board about those drinks everyone leaves him.' Rudolph grumbled.

'Yeah, maybe it's for the best. I only hope it makes a difference.'

Needless to say, Santa was not off the hook after his return to the North Pole. In the new year, there were discussions about the issue and Santa felt terribly guilty about the affair. Despite everything, Elle supported Santa in hopes of finding a solution that would benefit everyone. In fact, she came up with the genius idea of how to prevent the drinking issue.

Now when taking trips around the world, the elf has to collect an amount of the drink from each house and have it stored into a container now kept close to the front of the sleigh. Unfortunately due to the variety of drinks, nobody could say it would be safe to drink afterwards but the elves in research and development are working on a solution to the problem. As each year passes, they won't be short of samples to test their theories on!

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