Tuesday 5 December 2017

25 Santa Expressions | Day 5

Santa is Irritated

You probably wouldn't believe it, but that man who sits on the throne in your Santa's grotto indeed used to be Santa, back when there were less children in the world. Now that the population is so high, he has to hire people to fill in for him while he does all of the hard work. Of course if you asked Santa himself, he would probably tell you that serving the grottos was hard work.

Again you probably wouldn't believe it. All Santa has to do is sit on the chair and take note of whatever the children want, with the assistance of his elves. But to him, it was also a matter of grinning and bearing. Would you enjoy sitting in a shopping centre, constantly being watched by the passing people and spending the entire day listening to people? Santa wouldn't, not because of the children themselves but because he like to keep himself busy.

The grotto service is rather tedious but to Elle it was a real treat. She couldn't get enough of all of the young approaching their merry idol and being made hopeful promises. Plus she found it rather comical to be around people her size that weren't elves. One time she came across a young boy in a cap who was the same size as her, with two friends. One was a slightly taller girl with a questionable fashion sense and the other was a little video camera, walking and talking independently!

The young girl had just been given a present and left the grotto to wait for her friends. Elle let the young boy past the red line and smiled at the camera, which couldn't contain it's excitement as it started singing Christmassy jingles. Elle's attention was drawn to the young boy when she overheard his request.

'A moustache?' Santa repeated. The little boy responded chirpilly and nodded his head. 'Well I'm sure you'll get one. Just be patient and you'll find it very soon!' Santa promised before giving the young boy a gift and sending him on his way.

That Christmas the young boy got a pack of fake moustaches for Christmas, only more to add to his collection. That was a long time ago from now, we can only wonder whether or not that boy got the real deal.

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