Sunday 24 December 2017

25 Santa Expressions | Day 24

Happy Christmas Eve Everyone!

Santa is Incredulous

It was like any other day at the workshop. Toys were being made and all of the elves were working hard. Today, Elle was working alongside Elaine; they were making stretchable toys. They had a line of toys resembling Frosty that could stretch his limbs. It was a clever toy that apparently sold well across the world.

As part of the process for making these toys, they have to be stretched, quite obviously to make sure they can. While Elle was putting the toys together, Elaine was responsible for stretching them with a rack. Elaine likes to gossip but sometimes lets it get in the way of her work.

'So Elle,' Elaine began as she started stretching one of the toys. 'What's the story with you and Eldon? I hear you went to the cinema together.'

'Yes, we did.' Elle replied. She was wise to Elaine's habit of gossiping and knew just how much to say without giving too much away to her. 'We saw the film and just hung out for a bit.'

'Ye-ah, go on?' Elaine pried, still stretching the toy.

'Well that's it really. We just chatted, had a laugh about coincidentally seeing the film while Santa was-' Just then, Santa came by and both the elves decided it was best to get back to work. Elaine quickly continued to stretch the toy, unaware of how stretched it was already. She'd hate to have been caught gossiping by Santa again. Elaine stretched the toy so much that it pinged right off the rack and whacked Santa in the head, knocking him over!

Elle and Elaine rushed to Santa's aid and Elton, working nearby, sent for some medics. Elle used what she could of her medical training to help Santa regain consciousness. Santa awoke and thanked Elle.

'A doctor will be here shortly, Santa.' Elle explained to him. Santa looked confused.

'Santa, is that me?' Elle and Elaine realised that Santa had lost his memory!

'Yes, you're Santa Claus. A jolly man who gives presents to children across the world every year.'

'Huh!' Santa scoffed. 'What do you take me for, a fool? I may not remember anything but I know when I'm being messed with!' Elle was surprised at this reaction.

'I'm being truthful!' Elle retorted. 'You really do deliver presents across the world. That's what you do every Christmas Eve, while everyone's asleep!' Elaine tapped Elle on the shoulder.

'I don't think you're making this any better.' Elaine tried to say but Elle was too busy preaching to Santa.

'Really, youngster! There's no way such a stunt can be pulled. No man could deliver presents around the world in one night; have you seen how high the population is?' Soon the medics arrived and took Santa away. I can happily tell you that he has got his memory back now and he even apologised to Elle. Naturally she forgave him.

Santa was highly amused at the thought of disbelieving himself. Elaine was given a telling off and was moved to reindeer care for a while until she could learn to put her work before her social life. Luckily for her, she wasn't put on the naughty list. I'm sure tomorrow morning you'll find out how good you've been.

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