Monday 25 December 2017

25 Santa Expressions | Day 25

Merry Christmas To One And All!

Santa is Triumphant

It had been some decades since Elle started work as one of Santa's elves. Over time she had learnt many skills and helped many other elves to become great employees. However time catches up on us all and so people have to leave. There was one day when Elle was sent to Santa's to collect something.

'You're looking well.' Elle said as Santa invited her in to his home.

'Same as yourself. How is everything at the workshops?'

'It's all going well. Everyone's getting back to work and our last Christmas Cracker did no damage.' Santa and Elle sat in the longe, either side of the fireplace; the same fireplace where Elle once set her hat on fire by accident.

'Ah yes, that was a good send off. And that last run was a big success;the perfect way to wrap up my services as the Santa.' Now you're probably thinking of the time Santa got drunk during his rounds, that was years before his final run. Santa had triumphantly accomplished one of his best trips ever on his last Christmas Eve.

'Though I am concerned about one thing. With you now retired, I'm not sure for how much longer people are going to believe in you; you'll become one of those tales of old.'

Santa laughed a little. 'You seem to forget, Elle. I wasn't the first Santa. There was Father Christmas before me and Kris Kringle before him. And who's to say there wasn't a Santa before even him?'

'But the role was handed down the family and you don't have a child.' Elle pointed out. 'So what happens now?'

'Well I stayed on longer than my predecessors in hopes of having a heir to take over. But I can't keep up that amount of work much longer, it was for the best that I stood down.' Santa got up with the help of his walking stick and picked up a box. 'But not to worry, I'm sure something will turn up.' Santa gave the box to Elle and returned to his seat.

'Thank you, Santa; or should I say Nicholas.'

'Just Nick will do.' Santa smiled, there was a proud glistening in his eyes, as if once again he had been triumphant. 'Do you remember when you joined the team?'

'Oh yes, very vividly.' Elle replied. 'And I told you that in ten years time I'd be doing your thing but you'd-' Elle suddenly stopped, lost in deep thought.

'It's been a fair bit longer than ten years, but I hope you'll find it has been worth the wait.' Nick glanced down at the present on Elle's lap and winked at her. Elle decided now would be a good time to open up the box. She quickly got into it and found there, something that she couldn't believe.

'You're kidding!' Elle exclaimed in surprise.

'Feel free to try it on. Upstairs, first on the left.' Elle rushed up to the bathroom and returned in a costume excactly like the Santa uniform, though suited to her body. It was all clear now just why she was sent over to Nick's home.

'Of all the elves, I trust that you will continue the legacy best of all. There may be some controversy but I know you'll prove to the world that a lady elf like yourself can do the job of an elderly man just as fine.' Nick got up to shake Elle's hand but the rush of excitement prevented her from thinking straight, so she saluted to him instead. 'Congratulations Santa.'

'Thank you! I won't let you down, Nick.' Santa promised.

Now Elle, known to the world as Santa, is in charge of the workshops at the North Pole and does all of Nick's old jobs. She does it very well and is very proud of her work. Working all of that time at the North Pole, she never thought that she would actually get to be Santa and now she was living the dream. Maybe next year, you'll find out just how good of a job Elle is doing, as Santa Ellison.


We made it! The 25 Santa Expressions challenge is completed!

Thank you everyone who made it all the way through this advent calendar, but it's not over yet! Come back tomorrow for a behind the scenes post to see the making of this challenge if you enjoy that sort of thing. However if this is where you decide to disembark, then I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday!

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