Santa is Sad

Have you ever been naughty and stayed awake on Christmas Eve to try and catch Santa in the act? Have you ever caught your parents doing his job instead because of this? Well, if you have then it's most probably because Santa doesn't exist- as far as many of the population are concerned. Santa is indeed real but with people walking around the house or staying awake, it's much harder for him to complete his deliveries; he does have an entire world to deliver to.
Every year a meeting is held between Santa, a representative for the elves, then a number of people in high places. This is to ensure that Santa's delivery night always goes smoothly. This meeting is held in the summer, giving enough time to review the previous year and prepare for the next Christmas. This year, Santa had chosen Elle to present the elves. She was honoured but not too pleased to have to attend the meeting.
The meeting progressed, going through their agenda until they came to the subject of belief. Santa showed everyone a graph that calculated the average belief. Last Christmas had been a struggle. Then Santa showed another graph, this time showing the average belief over the course of every five years. In the past fifteen years particularly, there had been a decline. 'I'm afraid it looks only worse as time goes on, this things keep up the way they are.' Santa said sadly.
Elle was in disbelief at the thought that compared to the previous years, so many people were having their doubts. The people of the meeting discussed how to increase everyone's belief in Santa. One of them suggested Santa made more appearances in public grottos. Santa wasn't too keen on the idea, but when put to a vote, Santa didn't get his way. 'At least you personally will get to make many more children so happy!' Elle optimistically pointed out. That was enough to stop Santa complaining, if there was ever anything he did his job for, it was the young of the world.
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