Friday 15 December 2017

25 Santa Expressions | Day 15

Santa feels Fear

It was a relatively normal day at the North Pole. The elves were working very hard and Santa was to go about his daily routine. Elle was working with the postal department today and brought Santa his morning post, which included a big present. Elle drove a van of parcels to Santa's home, he had also ordered some new furniture.

'One of your fans must be very grateful. You're getting presents way ahead of time!'  Elle gave Santa the present first. Elton helped with the furniture boxes, the present was heavier than Elle expected and she needed a moment to get her strength back. 'What on Earth did they get you.' she asked Santa.

When the boxes were stacked, Elton decided a light a cigar, although it looked a lot more like a candy cane straightened out. Foolishly he lit his cigar right beside the present, although to be fair, I don't think anyone would expect the present to sample some of the flame from a lighter and reveal itself to be a bomb.

Immediately Santa called for a bomb disposal unit and everyone hid behind the boxes of furniture, which had been stacked a short distance away from the present. Luckily for them, they had time as the spark was burning away at the present very slowly.

The bomb disposal unit arrived soon after they were called and one of the elves approached the bomb cautiously. 'It's a small flame, I can still defuse it.' said the elf.

'Careful now.' warned one of the colleagues. The elf firstly tried waving at the flame hoping to create enough wind to put out the flame, of course this was futile. Elves don't often have to deal with bombs, it's a very rare situation and thus they don't really know as much about how to stop them. With the hand trick failed, the elf bent down and gathers some snow in both hands. Then their hands clapped around the flame, the snow putting it out.

Everyone was relieved but Elle was least of all impressed. 'All of that and we could've just thrown a snowball at it?' Of course, nobody really cared for they were grateful to have prevented a nasty situation. Elle still decided it was worth taking out her stress of Elton, perhaps he'll cut down on those  cigars.

It turned out the bomb had been sent by Elias, a former employee who had been caught out for stealing from the estate. After this Elias was relocated to the South Pole, where he will no longer be a problem for Santa and the rest of the elves.

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