Monday 18 December 2017

25 Santa Expressions | Day 18

Santa is Blank

All was not well for Santa. There had been problems regarding the fact that many grotto Santa's hearses had been tugged. There was also an issue with Santa masks apparently brig very unconvincing. This year, those problems were intended to be put to an end.

Elle was helping out in research and development when she saw Santa arrive. She saw some of the scientists take him into another room and when he returned, he was wearing a red onesie, though it didn't look very snug. 'What kind of outfit is that?' she asked Santa.

'This,' Santa said, pointing at his face. 'Is the future of grottos and masks.' Santa was guided to a special room which had recently been constructed. There was a glass window which Santa stood and faced. Elle shrugged her shoulders at Santa through the window but got no response.

'Goggles please!' demanded one of the scientists. Elle promptly put on a spare pair of goggles stored close by. Elle was very curious about whatever it was that was going on, Santa just stood in the room silent and still, his expressions was completely hollow.

'Scanners ready. The Saint is in position.' The scientist looked around to make sure everyone in the room was wearing their goggles. 'All exterior eyes protected.' The scientist pressed a button so he could communicate with Santa inside. 'This is control addressing subject. If you cannot see anything, please blink your eyelids.' A moment later, Santa blinked. Elle was very confused.

'Santa's wearing special contacts.' whispered another scientist to Elle. 'They protect his eyes from the scanner. We can see his eyeballs but he can't see whilst wearing them.' Now you may be questioning if such a thing can exist, but you have to remember this is the man who can travel around the world and give presents to all of the children in the same night.

'Silence please!' demanded the scientist at the control panel, then he pressed the communicator button again. 'This is control addressing subject. Should you at any point experience any possibility of concern, blink your eyelids and we will immediately terminate the scan. Please blink your eye lids now to acknowledge this communication.' Santa blinked his eye lids. 'Please do not move, the scan is beginning.' The scientist pulled a lever and the scan began.

A very concentrated light passed Santa along the window and scanned him, the same was happening from the three other angles. No wonder everyone's eyes had to be protected! It was a slow process but soon the scan was complete and Santa out of the chamber.

When Santa was back in his normal clothes, Elle rushed up to him. 'Santa, why such an elaborate scan?' she asked, still in awe over the complex machine.

'It was so as to create a completely accurate replica of my face.' Santa exclaimed. 'Now we can sell masks and bears that are excactly identical to my own face and beard! We've been developing this project for a few years now. Only time will tell if it has worked.'

And by the next year, the result had been a complete success. Every grotto Santa looked so genuine and all of the shops were selling the masks like hot cakes. But to this day, Elle always suggests that a simple few photographs would have sufficed!

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