Thursday 21 December 2017

25 Santa Expressions | Day 21

Santa is Angry

Christmas Eve was three days away. Everyone was finishing up for the year, doing last minute arrangements and clearing up where everything was finished.

Santa woke up that morning and started to get himself dressed. He was to be collecting the sleigh from the maintenance workshop today. Santa turned on the television to see what was going on in the world while he got himself ready. There on the television was Elle, doing the weather forecast.

'And now for the worldwide forecast. Mr. Claus, sir, I hope you're paying attention.' Santa didn't look to the screen and continued to get himself ready, but he still listened to the forecast. 'We're expecting snow across most of the world for the next week. Only light snow for some of the southern religions but all across the northern, heavy snow will be expected. Possibly even falling throughout the nights.'

Santa was not happy. Snow looked beautiful and one of his closest friends was made of snow. But Santa did not like the snow falling when he had to deliver presents to all of the children. It was not very safe but Santa could hardly tell the world to wait until the snow stopped to celebrate Christmas.

'Blumin' snow!' grumbled Santa. 'It would be, wouldn't it?' Santa may be a man of many talents, but he can't control the weather. There was nothing he could do. Santa just finished getting dressed and left home for the workshops to collect his sleigh. In a few days time, he was in for one heck of a trip!

Three weeks complete, we're almost there! I hope you have been enjoying this journey; if you've stuck around this far then I thank you.

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