Monday 2 October 2017

The Alphabet Challenge | T

T is for Tarzan

Without a doubt, my favourite Disney film is Tarzan, and I'm not the only one in my family who would agree. In both his film and television series, Tarzan had our attention. Just everything about it is so great (at least that's how I see it). So here I am making this dedication to him by including him in the Alphabet Challenge.

Since I haven't used them in this challenge since the Letter N, I wanted to return to the watercolour pencils to bring Tarzan to life. The colouring for this worked out rather well and came out close to how they appear in the shot that I based the illustration from.

For those who don't know, this is based on the title sequence from 'The Legend Of Tarzan', where at the end he can be seen making his war cry from the ledge of a waterfall.

As far as drawing a realistic human goes, I'm impressed with the result. I find the arms to take away from that quality but besides that Tarzan seems anatomically and proportionatley correct.

I made a few sketches of this particular shot before I made the final result (the sketch on the far left I think had a better turn out than the final piece actually!), this was primarily so I could have a recap with anatomy and with how the head particularly would look at the angle shown.

A few days later and the final result was finished. As far as my Alphabet Challenge has gone, I'd call this one of my better entries. It was a learning curve that provided me with satisfactory results, and that's the kind of art I feel I'll benefit from the best.

Have you seen the letter S? If not you can check it out via my page for the 'Alphabet Challenge' as well as previous entries. Look out for U coming soon!

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