Monday 16 October 2017

The Alphabet Challenge | U

U is for Uncle Albert

Most of my entries for the Alphabet Challenge have been cartoon characters, Uncle Albert is one of those characters chosen to break the mould. Only Fools And Horses is an icon amongst British comedy and Albert is one of the main trio (in most of it's latter years), providing tales of his eventful and unfortunate days participating in the war.

This entry was a return to my coloured pencils, which had not been used since my 100th post. This was ideal because with the pencils I have a wider variety of colours than with any of my other mediums.

Designing Albert in the Drawson style was a fun process although a quick one. I think had I taken more time on the head, giving it a new shape, the result could have been better. But all the same, his fluffy white beard doesn't look so bad!

I might bring the original Trotter Trio to the Drawson style, I was originally going to include them in this piece, but decided against it in the end.

Have you seen the letter T? If not you can check it out via my page for the 'Alphabet Challenge' as well as previous entries. Look out for V coming soon!

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