Saturday 21 October 2017

Draw This Again | The Hoobs, Humanised

At least a year ago I was doing this thing where I was drawing several fictional characters, converting them from their known formations into human counterparts. It was a fun, creative project and something I might come back to or just restart. One entry back then that I wasn't purely satisfied with was my work on 'The Hoobs'.

Here's a brief recap for those who don't know who The Hoobs are. An alien race are sent by one of their own 'Hubba Hubba' to Earth in order to collect information which via a News broadcast, is sent back to their home planet to be stored in their database, the 'Hooblopedia'? And so four Hoobs, 'Ivor', 'Groove', 'Tulah' and 'Roma' come to earth and learn things that are coincidentally (of course) educational to children watching.

Now that we've got that out of the way, here's the original illustration.

Yes, it's just their heads. That's one of my biggest disappointments. I never intended to make full body designs, on screen the Hoobs were never shown in full due to being puppets. I also feel that these designs were rather lazy attempts to replicate the likenesses of each Hoob.

The materials used were at the time my standard fineliners and the felt pens from my 50 pack, I don't think I even had my Tombows at this time. I had used the colour of Tulah's skin before and could've sworn it wasn't so orange/red as it turned out to be, heck she looks like Starfire with a short green do! I decided on Ivor's skin tone being dark since out of all of the Hoobs, he has the darkest colour of purple.

And now on to the new versions, with a little more thought and effort put into it!

Much better. As I have said in the show, the Hoobs are news reporters so I gave them all the news reporter look, giving them all uniforms. I kept Ivor's dark skin tone and aimed for Groove's to be closer to the colour of his nose (Orange). Tulah's skin tone is the biggest improvement, resembling a much more genuine skin tone as well as her original fur colour. You'll also notice I've added one of the other Hoobs, 'Roma' doing a live news report as she would during the show.

The materials used this time consist of ballpoint pen, brush markers of multiple brands and watercolour paint. There's a story as to why the latter is included. I had found some old acrylic and watercolour paints that I had stored away and was testing them in order to see if they were still effective and how I worked with them. I had done this on the page next to his piece in my sketchbook and so when I accidentally dropped the brush at one point, I got a single irremovable splodge on Roma's report!

I was able to fix this with a little bit of thinking. Because of the shape of the splodge, I was able to create a few more to resemble leaves blowing in the wind. So now this piece has the story of the Hoobs learning about either wind or just Autumn, whichever one explains the wind carrying leaves. I hope up until this point you were convinced of such.

So which version did you prefer, and do you reckon I should come back to this and make a third one some day?

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