Monday 30 October 2017

Halloween Treat | 'Sbookies!' Full Page Comic

For those of you not in the know, today was originally scheduled for 'The Alphabet Challenge | V'. This piece will be posted this weekend instead and then the regular schedule for The Alphabet Challenge will be resumed.

In September, I created this little concept that I intended to share with you this Halloween. I am happy to say that indeed I will be sharing with you, a full page comic strip! I spent over a week's work on this one sheet so I do hope you enjoy this short piece.

For more information about this comic strip, be sure to come back later in the week where I will share some behind the scenes content for this comic. I am sorry to say that as of now this won't be a reoccurring series and it is a one off. However I am not against returning to this in time, and you may still see more of Mage, Silverside and other spooky creatures.

Without further ado, please enjoy Sbookies!

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