Saturday 28 October 2017

It's Halloween So Here's A Ghost

Before getting down to business, I would like to point out this the upcoming entry to 'The Alphabet Challenge' will not be posted this Monday, due to a special post taking priority. The Alphabet Challenge's V will be posted the following weekend and then the regular schedule will be resumed.

Nothing special so much today, I wouldn't want anything to be overshadowed by what's to come in the next week. So instead here's an old picture of something that was done years ago, and I might actually create an art piece for in future, bringing this unconventional ghoul to the world of fine arts.

Just what exactly is this ghost? I haven't a clue either! I remember having this Halloween themed art kit where you could make these sticky things that used (I think it might have been) marble ink to colour the stickers. The googly eyes were also included in the kit.

This was all that survived of that kit, either thrown out or just lost to the sands of time. In fact I don't think I have the ghost in my possession anymore either, only this memory of it. Maybe I should recreate the ghost before the Halloween festivities die out to make way for Christmas. What a busy time of year!

For something spooky and amazing, come back within the next few days to see that special Halloween treat only on this blog!

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